Regular Boardgames (rbg) is a language that allows one to define an arbitrary boardgame. The language syntax is defined in
This is a library to translate rbg games into python libraries, that can efficiently calculate the available moves of the game.
For example to calculate perft for chess do:
./scripts/ rbg2cpp/rbgParser/examples/chess.rbg
python3 # The next commands will be in python
import rbg_game
import utils
state = rbg_game.new_game_state()
The best place listing possible method of the rbg modules is the help of rbg_game modu le. To find it do:
./scripts/ rbg2cpp/rbgParser/examples/chess.rbg
import rbg_game
- cmake (sudo apt install cmake)
- boost (sudo apt install libboost-dev)
- python-dev (sudo apt install python3-dev)
To run tests do: