Call for papers deadline: Jan 1, 2013 Don't drink and submit papers (actually why not...)
For the web site please follow
If you are here because you want to offer a talk at the conference, then you are very welcome! Please follow the instructions below.
If you have a talk you'd like to present, we are very happy to have you on. Let's just make sure we nail down the following details…
You have two options.
- The hacker way. (preferred) Fork this repo and make a pull request. Be sure two commit two files - one file with the details of your talk and your bio and an image of yourself. See the following PRs as examples. 1 and 2
- The other way. Email me (rantav@gmail) with the following details.
- Your full name
- your photo: 250x250 px high res (hint: if you use Google+ then your profile photo is 250x250)
- short personal bio
- talk title
- talk abstract
- if you have an online presentation, that'll be nice
- if you have it on video somewehre, that'll be even nicer
We will have a room with space for 40 ppl, with desks, kickass wifi and we'd like to use it. If you have a lab you'd like to pass please contact me (rantav@gmail) with the details below, or make the pull request (preferred).
- Your full name
- your photo: 250x250 px high res
- short personal bio
- lab title
- lab abstract
- Talks are 50 minuts.
- Lab can either be 50 minutes or 1:50h (e.g. a double lab).