Use ChatGPT to solve coding problems provided by LeetCode. These codes are not written by human. They are generated by ChatGPT of openAI. Let's see if the AI can finish all coding problems on leetcode.
The codes are written in Python3. They all pass the submission.
write a python3 code, which if ....
The code should start with ...
In some conditions, the problem from leetcode is hard for ChatGPT to understand. You may need to edit the problem to make AI understand easily.
Example : Problem 25, I use the following conversations
write a python3 code, which if Given the head of a linked list like [1,2,3,4,5], reverse the nodes of the list k at a time, and return the modified list.(if k = 2, then the output should be [2,1,4,3,5])
The code should start with "class Solution:
def reverseKGroup(self, head: Optional[ListNode], k: int) -> Optional[ListNode]:""