A Complete Authentication System using Node.Js, Express, Passport (Local and Google OAuth2 Strategy) , EJS,MongoDB, Redis (queue), Kue (parallel job), Nodemailer (send mail) and Flash,Noty (display messages).
It allows users to quickly integrate authentication system in their application.
- Allows user to log in with registered email and password.
- Forgot Password Option ( to get reset password link on registered user emailID).
- Social Authentication (Option to Login using Google user account).
- Creates user on valid google sign in if not already registered.
- Displays all necessary notifications to user.
- Allows user to register using name,emailID and password.
- Allows user to sign up using verified google account.
- Displays all necessary notifications to user.
- Allows user to send reset Password Link to valid registered emailID
- Generates OneTime-use accessToken for the registered emailID requested for password Reset and send link to user's mail.
- Displays all necessary notifications to user.
- displays Info like username,emailID,password to loggedIn user
- Option to reset password and username.
- Displays all necessary notifications to user on password mismatch,wrong entries etc.
- Accessible using password Reset Link sent to registered emailID.
- Allows user to enter new password to update
- Verifies user using accessToken generated.
- Displays all necessary notifications to user on password mismatch,wrong entries etc.
- displays Home Page to only Logged In User.
1. git clone https://github.com/shashankch/AuthenticationSystem.git
2. cd AuthenticationSystem
3. Add generated Google ClienID and Client Secret Key in /config/passport-google-oauth2-strategy.js.
4. Add your emailId and password in /config/nodemailer.js
5. Step 3 and 4 not advisable in production mode. Please follow necessary steps for it.
6. npm install
7. Install MongoDB,Redis and run
8. npm start
Your application should now be running on localhost:8000.
To check Kue-Dashboard to check parallel jobs running on localhost:3000. Type on CLI: ./node_modules/kue/bin/kue-dashboard
├── README.md
├── assets
│ ├── css
│ │ ├── card.css
│ │ ├── header.css
│ │ └── layout.css
│ ├── js
│ └── scss
├── config
│ ├── kue.js
│ ├── middleware.js
│ ├── mongoose.js
│ ├── nodemailer.js
│ ├── passport-google-oauth2-strategy.js
│ └── passport-local-strategy.js
├── controllers
│ ├── home_controller.js
│ └── users_controller.js
├── index.js
├── mailers
│ ├── registration_mailer.js
│ ├── reset_password_mailer.js
│ └── update_password_mailer.js
├── models
│ ├── resetPasswordToken.js
│ └── user.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── routes
│ ├── index.js
│ └── users.js
├── views
│ ├── _footer.ejs
│ ├── _header.ejs
│ ├── forgot_password.ejs
│ ├── home.ejs
│ ├── layout.ejs
│ ├── mailers
│ │ ├── password
│ │ │ ├── new_password_reset.ejs
│ │ │ └── new_updatePassword.ejs
│ │ └── registration
│ │ └── new_registration.ejs
│ ├── reset_password.ejs
│ ├── user_profile.ejs
│ ├── user_sign_in.ejs
│ └── user_sign_up.ejs
└── workers
├── forgot_password_worker.js
├── registration_email_worker.js
└── reset_password_worker.js
- add google RecaptchaV3 in my Authentication System.
- All contributions are welcome!