We aim to provide early access to some upstream patches and some compatibility fixes we discover and test. Yet we try to provide a stable experience.
This repository will use a PKGBUILD to build ArchLinux packages and publish them as GitHub releases in binary package form. We currently do not provide a custom ArchLinux repository.
The pacman repository created from this repo is published to GitHub Pages by the GitHub Action in this repo. The repository can be configured in pacman
like this at the bottom of /etc/pacman.conf
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server = https://chimeraos.github.io/linux-chimeraos/
Installing the packages from this repo can be done with:
pacman -Sy linux-chimeraos linux-chimeraos-headers
Feel free to submit Pull Requests if a patch has merit over the current stable linux package. Take a look at our discord server to be part of the discussion around it
We have two types of patches. Patches that are stabilized will be merged our linux repo. There a branch is kept for each version. Those patches are part of the -chos* patch set. Furthermore we have experiments which are located in the patch file. This is one experiment at the time. Changes in this will result in a new pkgrel version.