A weather app formed from scratch using a pre-existing API.
I have not enabled nor coded error-checking or input-checking functionalities. That is, the program is very easily breakable. I will do so ASAP. This is a ongoing project, not a project that has been postponed to the future like some of my other repos.
The open source weather API in use: https://openweathermap.org/api All data collected from https://openweathermap.org/api. Any inaccuracy of weather information should be reported to the developers of openweathermap, not me.
- SQLite3/BerkleyDB implementation to store past, present, and future data.
- Weather-App in another form, as an application which returns weather data in an organized fashion, so any website can use it. (Probably using Flask)
- Improvements to GUI; making a web-based GUI using HTML, CSS, and JS.