- Terminal öffnen und ins Verzeichnis mit der Software wechseln (wo sich
diese Datei
cd Pfad/zu/meinem/Verzeichnis
- Skript install-ubuntu.sh ausführen:
- Bei Bedarf Namen des Quittungsdruckers in Datei
- Terminal öffnen und ins Verzeichnis mit der Software wechseln (wo sich
diese Datei
cd Pfad/zu/meinem/Verzeichnis
- Skript install-arch.sh ausführen:
- Bei Bedarf Namen des Quittungsdruckers in Datei
java -jar Weltladenkasse_v2.0.5.jar
Eine Version des Java Runtime Environment (JRE) muss installiert sein,
um die Software ausführen zu können (z.B. mit dem Befehl sudo apt-get install default-jre
Falls noch nicht geschehen, Java von http://www.java.com/de/ herunterladen und installieren.
Falls noch nicht geschehen, MySQL von http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/windows/installer/ herunterladen und installieren.
Port in der Firewall nicht öffnen.
"Development Default" oder (vermutlich besser) "Server only" auswählen
"Development Machine" auswählen
Root-Passwort setzen und 2 User erstellen (Passwörter merken oder notieren): Die Usernamen müssen EXAKT stimmen!
- Username: mitarbeiter (klein geschrieben), Host: localhost, Role: Backup Admin
- Username: kassenadmin (klein geschrieben), Host: localhost, Role: DB Admin
Ansonsten Vorgaben übernehmen.
- Im Ordner
(befindet sich im selben Ordner wie diese Datei) aufgenerateDB.bat
Root-Passwort (bei MySQL-Installation gesetzt) dreimal eingeben.
Bei Fehlern (wenn nicht dreimal nach Passwort gefragt wurde) die Datei
bearbeiten (mit Editor/Notepad) und den Pfad zu MySQL anpassen (muss auf Verzeichnis mitmysql.exe
löschen und Dateiconfig_Windows.properties
umbenennen. -
Ggf. Pfad zu MySQL in
anpassen (muss auf Verzeichnis mitmysql.exe
verweisen). -
Ggf. Pfad zu soffice (LibreOffice/OpenOffice) in
anpassen (muss auf Verzeichnis mitsoffice.exe
verweisen). Dies wird nur benörigt, wenn man Quittungen drucken möchte. -
Bei Bedarf Namen des Quittungsdruckers in Datei
Zum Starten der Software auf Weltladenbesteller_vX.X.X.jar
Bestell-Programm) oder Weltladenkasse_vX.X.X.jar
(für Kassier-Software)
doppelklicken. Danach Mitarbeiter-Passwort (oben notiert) eingeben.
Datenbank-Dump importieren im Registerreiter "DB Import/Export". Kassenadmin-Passwort (oben notiert) eingeben und SQL-Datei auswählen.
Nach Änderungen an der Datenbank: Datenbank-Dump exportieren im Registerreiter "DB Import/Export". Kassenadmin-Passwort (oben notiert) eingeben und SQL-Datei auswählen.
Download and put into the folder lib
the following jars:
- mariadb-java-client-2.6.2.jar: https://downloads.mariadb.org/connector-java/
- jOpenDocument-1.3.jar: http://www.jopendocument.org/downloads.html
- date4j.jar: http://www.date4j.net
- jcalendar-1.4.jar: http://toedter.com/jcalendar/
- hidapi-1.1.jar: https://code.google.com/p/javahidapi/
- log4j-api-2.13.3.jar and log4j-core-2.13.3.jar (extracted from apache-log4j-2.13.3-bin.tar.gz): https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/download.html
Unjar the hidapi-1.1.jar (with jar -xvf hidapi-1.1.jar
) and copy the content
of the native/*
folders (files ending with .so
, .dll
or .jnilib
) into
folder resources/natives
For using TSE (German fiscalisation "Secure Element") from Bundesdruckerei/D-Trust/cryptovision:
- jna-4.0.0.jar: (only when using MscJna TSE transport instead of MSCJava10Transport)
, required file is inse-api-test/lib/
). libse-msc-io_linux-x86-64.so
: (only when using MscJna TSE transport on Linux instead of MSCJava10Transport) https://tse-support.cryptovision.com/confluence/display/TDI/cryptovision+TSE+-+Download-Bereich DownloadSE-API-Java.zip
, required file is inse-api-impl/dll/
, put it inside a folderlinux-x86-64
and create a jar filelibse-msc-io_linux-x86-64.jar
(jar cvf libse-msc-io_linux-x86-64.jar linux-x86-64
) that you put into folderlib
: (only when using MscJna TSE transport on Windows instead of MSCJava10Transport) https://tse-support.cryptovision.com/confluence/display/TDI/cryptovision+TSE+-+Download-Bereich DownloadSE-API-Java.zip
, required file is inse-api-impl/dll/
, put it inside a folderwin32-x86-64
and create a jar filese-msc-io_win32-x86-64.jar
(jar cvf se-msc-io_win32-x86-64.jar win32-x86-64
) that you put into folderlib
.- bcprov-jdk15on-1.62.jar:
either http://www.bouncycastle.org/latest_releases.html or
, required file is inse-api-test/lib/
). To prevent invalid signature problems, you need to unjar the file (jar xvf bcprov-jdk15on-1.62.jar
), delete all META-INF/.SF and META-INF/.DSA files and recreate jar (jar cvf bcprov-jdk15on-1.62_deleted_sf_dsa.jar *
- Create udev rule for receipt printer.
(Don't edit
, will be overwritten on update.) Create new file/etc/udev/rules.d/99-own.rules
, add:
# for EPSON TM-U220 receipt printer:
KERNEL=="ttyUSB0", GROUP="lp", MODE="0660"
Install Linux drivers for EPSON TM-U220 printer. ( https://download.epson-biz.com/modules/pos/index.php?page=soft&pcat=5&scat=32 https://download.epson-biz.com/modules/pos/index.php?page=single_soft&cid=6408&scat=32&pcat=5 https://epson.com/Support/Point-of-Sale/Impact-Printers-%28Dot-Matrix%29/Epson-TM-U220/s/SPT_C31C514103?review-filter=Linux )
For installation on Arch:
- Install: cmake gcc libcups cups
- Enable and start org.cups.cupsd.service or disable org.cups.cupsd.service and enable org.cups.cupsd.socket (see https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CUPS)
- sudo ./build.sh
- sudo ./install.sh
- Turn on and connect printer
- sudo lpadmin -p TM-U220 -v socket://localhost/TM-U220 -P ppd/tm-impact-receipt-rastertotmir.ppd -E
- (Open http://localhost:631 and add Epson printer)
- Enter as URI: serial:/dev/ttyUSB0
- And enter correct settings from Self-Test (Press FEED button while turning printer on)
Baud Rate: 9600
Parity = None
Bits = 8
Flow Control = DTR/DSR
Or enter directly the URL: serial:/dev/ttyUSB0?baud=9600+bits=8+parity=none+flow=dtrdsr
Use printer name
. -
At least on Arch, might need to manually choose the PPD file from the downloaded and built printer driver dir in CUPS.
Set paper roll width to 58 mm
Set lower resolution for faster printing
After installing printer in CUPS (Can follow instructions in tmu-cups/manual/UsersManual.en.html), print using this command: $ lpr -P quittungsdrucker test.txt
57 mm 31 (33 max.)
- Create udev rule for customer display, according to https://github.com/signal11/hidapi/blob/master/udev/99-hid.rules:
In file
# for Wincor/Nixdorf BA63 USB customer display:
# HIDAPI/libusb
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0aa7", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0200", MODE="0666"
Might need to change the hexnumbers of vendor id and product id according to your make and model. Get the numbers (in decimal) by running Weltladenkasse on terminal with display plugged in.
- Configure scanner prefix as "ctrl-c/alt-c" (to gain barcode box focus for every
scan) according to "Honeywell MetroSelect Single-Line Scanner Configuration
- Scan barcode "Enter/Exit Configuration Mode" on page 1-1 (p. 7)
- Scan barcode "Configurable Prefix Character #1" on page 8-1 (p. 43)
- Scan barcodes "1", "7", "5" on page 16-1 (81) for left ctrl key / "1", "7", "4" on page 16-1 (81) for left alt key / "1", "4", "6" on page 16-1 (81) for F3 key
- Only for Ctrl/Alt: Scan barcode "Configurable Prefix Character #2" on page 8-1 (p. 43)
- Only for Ctrl/Alt: Scan barcodes "0", "9", "9" on page 16-2 (82) for "c"
- Scan barcode "Enter/Exit Configuration Mode" on page 1-1 (p. 7)
Set beeper options with codes on page 7-4 (p. 36).
- First enable transmission of control characters, according to p. 66:
- Scan START bar code on p. 67
- Scan "Enable Function Key Mapping" bar code on p. 67
- Scan END bar code on p. 67
- Configure scanner prefix as "F3" (to gain barcode box focus for every
scan) according to "manuals/scanner/qs6500-manual.pdf" (p. 77):
- Scan the START bar code (p. 78)
- Scan the SET PREFIX bar code (p. 78)
- "F2" is hex code 18 (see p. 322), scan "1" and "8" bar codes from p. 313
- Scan the SET bar code to accept the digits scanned (p. 78)
- Scan the END bar code to exit Programming Mode (p. 78)
- Configure scanner suffix as "ENTER" (to submit query after every
scan) according to "manuals/scanner/qs6500-manual.pdf" (p. 77):
- Scan the START bar code (p. 78)
- Scan the SET SUFFIX bar code (p. 78)
- "ENTER" is hex code 0C (see p. 321), scan "0" and "C" bar codes from p. 313
- Scan the SET bar code to accept the digits scanned (p. 78)
- Scan the END bar code to exit Programming Mode (p. 78)
To run the script einkaufspreise.py
(which sets discount rates and order
prices), you need to download
- mysql-connector-python-2.1.3.tar.gz (platform independent): https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/python/ untar and run:
python ./setup.py install
or, alternatively, use pip:
$ sudo pip install mysql-connector
or your package manager, e.g. on Arch:
$ sudo pacman -S python-mysql-connector
- JProfiler (proprietary): https://www.ej-technologies.com/download/jprofiler/files
- Profiler4j: http://profiler4j.sourceforge.net/
Compile and run locally:
ant && java -jar Weltladenkasse_v2.0.5.jar
ant && java -jar Weltladenbesteller_v2.0.5.jar
Compile and make release (CAUTION: default release dir is ../releases
, adjust to your needs):
ant && ./make_release.sh
Compile without jar creation (much faster) and run locally:
ant develop && ./run_kasse.sh
ant develop && ./run_besteller.sh