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Providers info

Matteo Gregoricchio edited this page Oct 10, 2024 · 16 revisions

Note: please check Samples and Tests in the repository for additional examples on all configuration options.

Providers configuration

Microsoft SQL Server

// namespace Serilog.Ui.MsSqlServerProvider.Extensions

/// <summary>
/// Use for default columns configuration
/// Throws if ConnectionString, TableName, Schema is null or whitespace.
/// </summary>
ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder UseSqlServer(this ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder,
  Action<RelationalDbOptions> setupOptions,
  Func<string, DateTime>? = null);

/// <summary>
/// Use to configure additional columns.
/// Throws if ConnectionString, TableName, Schema is null or whitespace.
/// </summary>
ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder UseSqlServer<T>(this ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder,
  Action<RelationalDbOptions> setupOptions,
  Func<string, DateTime>? = null) where T : SqlServerLogModel

T WithConnectionString<T>(this T options, string connectionString) where T : DbOptionsBase;
T WithCustomProviderName<T>(this T options, string customProviderName) where T : DbOptionsBase;
T WithTable<T>(this T options, string tableName) where T : RelationalDbOptions;
T WithSchema<T>(this T options, string schemaName) where T : RelationalDbOptions; // optional, defaults to **dbo**


// namespace Serilog.Ui.MongoDbProvider.Extensions

/// <summary>
/// Action throws if ConnectionString AND CollectionName is null or whitespace.
/// Action throws if DatabaseName is null or whitespace and it is not found in the connection string.
/// </summary>
ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder UseMongoDb(this ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder, Action<MongoDbOptions> setupOptions);

T WithConnectionString<T>(this T options, string connectionString) where T : DbOptionsBase;
T WithCustomProviderName<T>(this T options, string customProviderName) where T : DbOptionsBase;
MongoDbOptions WithDatabaseName(string databaseName); // optional, if provided in connection string
MongoDbOptions WithCollectionName(string collection);

MySql / MariaDb

// namespace Serilog.Ui.MySqlProvider.Extensions

/* using Serilog.Sinks.MySQL */
/// <summary>
/// Throws if ConnectionString, TableName, Schema is null or whitespace.
/// Default schema name, if not provided, is **dbo**
/// </summary>
ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder UseMySqlServer(this ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder, Action<RelationalDbOptions> setupOptions);

/* using Serilog.Sinks.MariaDB */
/// <summary>
/// Use for default columns configuration
/// Default schema name, if not provided, is **dbo**
/// Throws if ConnectionString, TableName, Schema is null or whitespace.
/// </summary>
ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder UseMariaDbServer(this ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder, Action<RelationalDbOptions> setupOptions);

/// <summary>
/// Use to configure additional columns.
/// Default schema name, if not provided, is **dbo**
/// Throws if ConnectionString, TableName, Schema is null or whitespace.
/// </summary>
ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder UseMariaDbServer<T>(this ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder, Action<RelationalDbOptions> setupOptions) where T : MySqlLogModel;

T WithConnectionString<T>(this T options, string connectionString) where T : DbOptionsBase;
T WithCustomProviderName<T>(this T options, string customProviderName) where T : DbOptionsBase;
T WithTable<T>(this T options, string tableName) where T : RelationalDbOptions;
T WithSchema<T>(this T options, string schemaName) where T : RelationalDbOptions; // optional

Postgres SQL

/* Available sinks are:
 * <a href="">Serilog.Sinks.Postgresql.Alternative</a>
 * <a href="">Serilog.Sinks.Postgresql</a>
 * We suggest choosing Postgresql.Alternative.

// namespace Serilog.Ui.PostgreSqlProvider.Extensions

/// <summary>
/// Use for default columns configuration
/// Throws if ConnectionString, TableName, Schema is null or whitespace.
/// </summary>
ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder UseNpgSql(this ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder, Action<PostgreSqlDbOptions> setupOptions);

/// <summary>
/// Use to configure additional columns.
/// Throws if ConnectionString, TableName, Schema is null or whitespace.
/// </summary>
ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder UseNpgSql(this ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder, Action<PostgreSqlDbOptions> setupOptions) where T : PostgresLogModel;

T WithConnectionString<T>(this T options, string connectionString) where T : DbOptionsBase;
T WithCustomProviderName<T>(this T options, string customProviderName) where T : DbOptionsBase;
T WithTable<T>(this T options, string tableName) where T : RelationalDbOptions;
T WithSchema<T>(this T options, string schemaName) where T : RelationalDbOptions; // optional, defaults to **public**
PostgreSqlDbOptions WithSinkType(PostgreSqlSinkType sinkType);


// namespace Serilog.Ui.SqliteDataProvider.Extensions

/// <summary>
/// Throws if ConnectionString, TableName, Schema is null or whitespace.
/// </summary>
ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder UseSqliteServer(this ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder,
  Action<RelationalDbOptions> setupOptions);

T WithConnectionString<T>(this T options, string connectionString) where T : DbOptionsBase;
T WithCustomProviderName<T>(this T options, string customProviderName) where T : DbOptionsBase;
T WithTable<T>(this T options, string tableName) where T : RelationalDbOptions;
T WithSchema<T>(this T options, string schemaName) where T : RelationalDbOptions; // optional, defaults to **dbo**


// namespace Serilog.Ui.RavenDbProvider.Extensions;

/// <summary>
/// Throws if DocumentStore is null.
/// Throws if DocumentStore.Urls is null or empty.
/// Throws if DocumentStore.Urls is null or empty.
/// Throws if CollectionName is null or whitespace.
/// Throws if DatabaseName is null or whitespace and is not found in the connection string.
/// </summary>
ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder UseRavenDb(this ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder, Action<RavenDbOptions> setupOptions);

RavenDbOptions WithCustomProviderName(string customProviderName);
RavenDbOptions WithDocumentStore(IDocumentStore documentStore);
RavenDbOptions WithCollectionName(string collectionName); // optional, defaults to **LogEvents**


note: ElasticSearch doesn't offer sort by property and it defaults to sort by Timestamp.

// namespace Serilog.Ui.ElasticSearchProvider.Extensions

/// <summary>
/// Throws if <see cref="Endpoint"/> is null.
/// Throws if <see cref="IndexName"/> is null or whitespace.
/// </summary>
ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder UseElasticSearchDb(this ISerilogUiOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder, Action<ElasticSearchDbOptions> setupOptions);

ElasticSearchDbOptions WithCustomProviderName(string customProviderName)
ElasticSearchDbOptions WithIndex(string indexName);
ElasticSearchDbOptions WithEndpoint(Uri endpoint);

Additional columns

They can be configured for the following providers:

  • MsSqlServerProvider
  • MySqlProvider (MariaDB sink only)
  • PostgreSqlProvider

MongoDb exposes additional columns in the Properties info. RavenDb sink don't expose a way to customize columns.

Steps to configure additional columns

- Create a custom LogModel class...

... that inherits from the Provider Log Model (you can find each provider model down below in the page, specified as a constraint on the provider extension methods that accept a generic parameter).

- To remove default properties

Currently the columns that can be removed are the Exception and the Properties fields. To remove them, override the desired property/ies in the custom LogModel and apply it/them the Serilog.Ui.Core.Attributes.RemovedColumn attribute.

- To add properties

Register any property on the custom LogModel. Currently, the UI offers a specific render for the following property types:

  • bool
  • DateTime
  • Code type (JSON, XML)
  • string (default rendering)

To register a code-type column, add the Serilog.Ui.Core.AttributesCodeColumn(codeType: CodeType) attribute on the property, specifying the type of code to parse (you can choose between JSON and XML).

- Register the provider using the extension method...

... providing your custom LogModel as T.

That's it, your additional columns are configured for view in the client app!

Note: the Samples.WebApi project offers a real example on adding additional columns.

Use a custom provider name

To set a specific name for a registered provider, use the relation Provider Options WithCustomProviderName() method.