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Khaos edited this page Apr 29, 2021 · 6 revisions


Welcome to the serilog-settings-xml wiki. Please see sub pages for examples.

Common Rules

  1. Configuration has to be in one root element
  1. You can use these configuration elements:
  1. You can mix all configuration elements in the root element
  <WriteTo Name="File">
  <Filter Name="ByExcluding">
    <Expression>Prop = 42</Expression>
  1. XML tags and attributes are case-insensitive
  <filter name="File">
  1. The Name attribute of Filter, Enrich, WriteTo, AuditTo and Destructure corelates to the extension method you would call to configure that extension
  <Enrich Name="WithThreadId" />
  1. All parameters you would pass to an extension method are nested tags inside the Filter, Enrich, WriteTo, AuditTo and Destructure tag
  <WriteTo Name="File">
  1. You can use static properties as values. Pattern: <Namespace.Class>::<StaticProperty>, <Assembly>
  <Enrich Name="WithProperty">
    <Name>Serilog.Enrichers.ThreadNameEnricher::ThreadNamePropertyName, Serilog.Enrichers.Thread</Name>
  1. You also define List and Array parameters.
  <WriteTo Name="MySink">

Per rule 6, the tag <ArrayParam> is the name of a parameter of a WriteTo extension method called MySink. Each <Item> will be an item in the array/list. (The name of the <Item> tag actually doesn't matter)

  1. You can even define simple Object bindings as parameters
  <WriteTo Name="MySink">
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