This module allows the user to download as a .pdf
an auto generated time series from customizable dates.
Each mosaic will be represented in a square of custom size from 500x500m to 1000x10000km around the point of interest using the band combination selected by the user.
The input can be a table file discribing points or a shapefile using geometries.
The output can be adjusted using any of the following enhancement methods:
- Histogram Equalization
- Contrast Stretching
- Adaptive Equalization
- Standard Deviation
- Percent Clip
- Min-Max
To produce this image the software will use the most recent satellite with a cloudless mosaic using the following priority order :
- Sentinel 2
- Landsat 9
- Landsat 8
- landsat 5
- landsat 7
The user can manually swithc of the usage of sentinel or landsat data.
The user can replace these satellites wih PlanetLab NICFI mosaics if it has register to the NICFI programm (free). Please follow this link for more information.
for more information about usage please read the documentation
to install the project on your SEPAL account
$ git clone
please retreive the develop branch where all our development live
$ git checkout --track origin/develop
please follow the contributing guidelines.