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Add support for fitting likelihood maps
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Should help support GRAVITY orbit fitting.
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sefffal committed Feb 2, 2024
1 parent 7a42345 commit ed1d4c2
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Showing 5 changed files with 514 additions and 239 deletions.
241 changes: 2 additions & 239 deletions OctofitterImages/src/OctofitterImages.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,245 +11,8 @@ using Interpolations
using AstroImages
using Statistics

const images_cols = (:band, :image, :epoch, :platescale,)

A block of images of a system. Pass a vector of named tuples with the following fields:
For example:
(; epoch=1234.0, band=:J, image=readfits("abc.fits"), platescale=19.4)
Contrast can be a function that returns the 1 sigma contrast of the image from a separation in mas to the same units as the image file.
Or, simply leave it out and it will be calculated for you.
Epoch is in MJD.
Band is a symbol which matches the one used in the planet's `Priors()` block.
Platescale is in mas/px.
struct ImageLikelihood{TTable<:Table} <: Octofitter.AbstractLikelihood
function ImageLikelihood(observations...)
table = Table(observations...)
# Fallback to calculating contrast automatically
if !in(:contrast, columnnames(table)) && !in(:contrastmap, columnnames(table))
@info "Measuring contrast from image"
contrast = contrast_interp.(table.image)
table = Table(table, contrast=contrast)
if !issubset(images_cols, columnnames(table))
error("Expected columns $images_cols")
# Create linear interpolators over the input images
imageinterp = map(table.image) do img
LinearInterpolation(parent.(dims(img)), img, extrapolation_bc=convert(eltype(img), NaN))
table = Table(table; imageinterp)
if hasproperty(table, :contrastmap)
# Create linear interpolators over the input contrastmaps
contrastmapinterp = map(table.contrastmap) do img
LinearInterpolation(parent.(dims(img)), img, extrapolation_bc=convert(eltype(img), NaN))
table = Table(table; contrastmapinterp)
return new{typeof(table)}(table)
ImageLikelihood(observations::NamedTuple...) = ImageLikelihood(observations)
export ImageLikelihood

contrast_interp(image; step=2)
Returns a linear interpolation on top of the results from `contrast`.
Extrapolated results return Inf.
function contrast_interp(image::AstroImage; step=2)
cont = contrast(image; step)
return LinearInterpolation(cont.separation, cont.contrast, extrapolation_bc=Inf)

contrast(image; step=2)
Measure the contrast of an image, in the sense of high contrast imaging.
That is, divide the image into annuli moving outwards from the centre
(index 0,0 if offset image) and calculate the standard deviation in
Returns a vector of annulus locations in pixels and a vector of standard
*NOTE* This is the 1σ contrast. Multiply by five to get the usual confidence
function contrast(image::AstroImage; step=2)
dx = dims(image,X)
dy = collect(dims(image,Y))
dr = sqrt.(
dx.^2 .+ (dy').^2

c_img = collect(image)

bins = 0:step:maximum(dr)
# bins = 30:step:100
contrast = zeros(size(bins))
mask = falses(size(image))
mask2 = isfinite.(c_img)
for i in eachindex(bins)
bin = bins[i]
mask .= (bin.-step/2) .< dr .< (bin.+step/2)
mask .&= mask2
c = std(view(c_img, mask))
contrast[i] = c

return (;separation=bins, contrast)

function imgsep(image::AstroImage)
dx = dims(image,X)
dy = collect(dims(image,Y))
dr = sqrt.(
dx.^2 .+ (dy').^2
return dr

Likelihood of there being planets in a sequence of images.
function Octofitter.ln_like(images::ImageLikelihood, θ_planet, orbit)

# Resolve the combination of system and planet parameters
# as a Visual{KepOrbit} object. This pre-computes
# some factors used in various calculations.
# elements = construct_elements(θ_system, θ_planet)

imgtable = images.table
T = eltype(first(θ_planet))
ll = zero(T)
for i in eachindex(imgtable.epoch)

soln = orbitsolve(orbit, imgtable.epoch[i])

band =[i]

star_δra = 0.0
star_δdec = 0.0

# Note the x reversal between RA and image coordinates
x = -(raoff(soln) + star_δra)
y = +(decoff(soln) + star_δdec)

# Get the photometry in this image at that location
# Note in the following equations, subscript x (ₓ) represents the current position (both x and y)
platescale = imgtable.platescale[i]
f̃ₓ = imgtable.imageinterp[i](x/platescale, y/platescale)

# Find the uncertainty in that photometry value (i.e. the contrast)
if hasproperty(imgtable, :contrastmap)
# If we have a 2D map
σₓ = imgtable.contrastmapinterp[i](x/platescale, y/platescale)
# We have a 1D contrast curve
r = (x^2 + y^2)
σₓ = imgtable.contrast[i](r / platescale)

# Verify the user has specified a prior or model for this band.
if !hasproperty(θ_planet, band)
error("No photometry variable for the band $band was specified.")
# TODO: verify this is type stable
f_band = getproperty(θ_planet, band)

# σ_add = θ_planet.H_σ

# When we get a position that falls outside of our available
# data (e.g. under the coronagraph) we cannot say anything
# about the likelihood. This is equivalent to σₓ→∞ or log likelihood
# of zero.
if !isfinite(σₓ) || !isfinite(f̃ₓ)
# return convert(T, -Inf)

# Direct imaging likelihood.
# Notes: we are assuming that the different images fed in are not correlated.
# The general multivariate Gaussian likleihood is exp(-1/2 (x⃗-μ⃗)ᵀ𝚺⁻¹(x⃗-μ⃗)) + √((2π)ᵏ|𝚺|)
# Because the images are uncorrelated, 𝚺 is diagonal and we can separate the equation
# into a a product of univariate Gaussian likelihoods or sum of log-likelihoods.
# That term for each image is given below.

# Ruffio et al 2017, eqn (31)
# Mawet et al 2019, eqn (8)

σₓ² = σₓ^2 #+ σ_add^2
ll += -1 / (2*σₓ²) * (f_band^2 - 2f_band * f̃ₓ)

return ll

# Generate new images
# function Octofitter.generate_from_params(like::ImageLikelihood, θ_system, elements::Vector{<:Visual{KepOrbit}})
function Octofitter.generate_from_params(like::ImageLikelihood, θ_planet, orbit::PlanetOrbits.AbstractOrbit)

newrows = map(like.table) do row
(;band, image, platescale, epoch, psf) = row

injected = copy(image)

# Generate new astrometry point
os = orbitsolve(orbit, epoch)

# TODO: this does not consider the shift to the images due to the motion of the star
ra = raoff(os)
dec = decoff(os)

phot = θ_planet[band]

# TODO: verify signs
dx = ra/platescale
dy = -dec/platescale
translation_tform = Translation(
# TBD if we want to support rotations for handling negative sidelobes.

psf_positioned = warp(psf, translation_tform, axes(image), fillvalue=0)
psf_positioned[.! isfinite.(psf_positioned)] .= 0
psf_scaled = psf_positioned .* phot ./ maximum(filter(isfinite, psf_positioned))
injected .+= psf_scaled

return merge(row, (;image=injected))

return ImageLikelihood(newrows)

function __init__()



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