Yeoman generator for building Screwdriver Node Modules
This Yeoman generator creates a new npm module pre-loaded with:
- License
- README with a variety of badges
- JSCS and JSHint configs
- Screwdriver config
- package.json
- Labels for Github issues and pull requests
- Node.js >= v12.0.0 (with NPM)
$ npm install -g yo
$ npm install -g generator-screwdriver
- Get a Github token.
- Go to the create Github Personal Access Tokens page
- Fill in "Token description" with "Screwdriver-token"
- Select scopes "repo" and "admin:org"
- Click Generate token
- Clone your repository and generate your new project.
$ git clone [email protected]:$REPO.git
$ cd $REPO
$ yo screwdriver
Create Git commit and push to master.
Publish the npm package and add git tags.
$ npm publish
$ git tag v0.0.1 && git push origin --tags
Code licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE file for terms.