Audio gain DSP module
Amplify input values.
import gain from '@audio/gain';
// mono, k-param gain
[output] = gain([[0.1,0.2,...inputValues]], .75);
// stereo, a-param gain
[outputLeft, outputRight] = gain([[0.1,...leftInput], [-0.1,...rightInput]], [.5,.6,...gainValues]);
// multichannel, a-param gain
outputChannels = gain([...inputChannels], gainValues);
Raw WASM function requires a bit of memory management.
const memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({initial:1, maximum: 8}) // can be shared
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch('./gain.wasm'), { init: { memory } })
.then(({ instance }) => {
const { gain, block, blockSize } = instance.exports
const data = new Float64Array(memory.buffer) // memory view
const inPtr = block(2), gainPtr = block(1) // allocate batch slots for audio buffers
// sample processing loop
const processGain = (input, output, param) => {
// adjust processing block size
blockSize.value = input[0].length, outPtr
// write input to memory
data.set(input[0], inPtr), data.set(input[1], inPtr+blockSize)
// process a-rate (accurate) gain values
if (param.gain.length > 1) {
data.set(param.gain, gainPtr)
outPtr = gain(inPtr, gainPtr)
// process k-rate (controlling) gain values
else {
outPtr = gain(inPtr, param.gain[0])
// write output from memory
output[0].set(data.subarray(outPtr, blockSize))
output[1].set(data.subarray(outPtr+blockSize, blockSize))
This is illustrative flow, can be enhanced to use multiple channels, shared memory etc.
Can be used in sonr as:
# './gain.son': gain;
gain(mySource, 0.45); // direct fn
mySource | gain(0.45); // pipe style