To complete this quiz:
- Make a fork of this repo to your own GitHub account
- Clone the fork to your computer
- Create a new branch called YourName_devel and switch to it (example: spencer_devel)
- Open 'gitQuizMain.c'
- Modify 'gitQuizMain.c' according to the comment on line #1 in 'gitQuizMain.c'
- Commit your changes with an informative commit message
- Push the changes to your repo
When you are done you will have:
- A fork of this repo on your own GitHub profile
- A new branch called YourName_devel
- A new commit to this branch with a slight modification to the original code
When you are done, let a TA know and we will come by and mark you.
Marks available (3 total):
- Fork and clone this repo (1 mark)
- Create a new branch (0.5 mark)
- Modify the code and make a commit (0.5 mark)
- Push the changes (1 mark)