Calculates the shortest path between two points along a grid of non-traversable and traversable tiles of various weight. Launch any of the files prefixed 'run' for a demonstration.
Usage: Gui Area on the LHS of the window. Mouse Click: foo-bar - change the behaviour of mouse clicks on the grid area. Options are Place A-Side (start), Place Z-Side (end), Add Path, Delete Path Calculate Length - Calculate the distance of the shortest path between A-Side and Z-Side. Display distance only, do not trace. Trace Path - Performs the distance calculation between A-Side and Z-Side, then traces the path on the grid visually.
Text Boxes When setting A or Z side, text boxes Will populate with hall / cabinet details if they have been coded for the given cell. If text boxes are manually populated with existing hall / cabinet details, the A and Z side can be set with the Input A+Z Sides button.