A simple implementation of a compiler which transforms SASS to CSS files - without requiring you to include jRuby, JavaScript or other monsters.
The idea is to only implement those features of SASS, which we really need - but have these in superior quality. Therefore we have a test coverage of 80%+ of all lines using automated tests. If there is a missing feature, feel free to fork ;-)
For a good description on SASS go to: http://sass-lang.com
Using it is as simple as:
Generator gen = new Generator();
// Parses and expands test.scss - Files are resolved from the classpath, subclass Generator and
// override the resolve method, to change this behavior.
// Finalize expansions and evaluate expressions
// Access css sources
StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
Output output = new Output(out, false);
String css = out.toString();
If you also need a modern, rock solid web framework which has this module already built in, have a look at SIRIUS: https://sirius-lib.net (CSS is auto-generated for .scss files by the AssetsDispatcher: https://github.com/scireum/sirius-web/blob/master/src/main/java/sirius/web/dispatch/AssetsDispatcher.java#L168)
server-sass is part of the open source initiative of scireum GmbH (http://www.scireum.de)
server-sass is available under: