A package that exposes reactive state via WebSockets, enabling real-time synchronization between Julia backends and web clients. It uses StateSignals.jl for managing reactive states, and exposes their values via websockets.
You can find here a demo application with a Surge.jl
backend and a VueJS frontend. See it live here with a VueJS frontend.
Define some signals and start the server:
using Surge: Signal, computed, effect, start_server
counter = Signal(0,:counter)
countertwo = Signal(6,:countertwo)
total = computed(() -> counter() + countertwo(), :total)
word = Signal("hello", :word)
effect(() -> println("Counter updated to ", counter()))
effect(() -> println("Countertwo updated to ", countertwo()))
effect(() -> println("Total is ", total()))
server = start_server([counter, countertwo, total, word], 8080)
You can now send websocket messages as
using HTTP.WebSockets
using JSON
WebSockets.open("ws://localhost:8080'") do ws
# Send an update message
update_msg = JSON.json(Dict(
"type" => "update",
"id" => "counter", # matches the signal ID
"value" => 42
WebSockets.send(ws, update_msg)
response = String(WebSockets.receive(ws))
println("Received: ", response)
You'll see in the REPL that the effects are triggered and the total is updated.