Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- DoctrinePHPCRTypeDrive is missing r #724
Merged pull requests:
- Fix deprecation with Twig 2.7 #733 (enumag)
- Fix typo in package name #732 (szepczynski)
- Document expression language providers #714 (goetas)
Closed issues:
- Deprecated error with Twig 2.7.2 #731
- How to use "service" in Expose / Exclude #726
- Event Subscriber not being fired #725
- Expose / Exclude based on its ‘parent’ relationship in One to Many #723
- Exclude / Expose based on value of its relationship #722
- Deserializing don't work #721
- Unrecognized option "xml" under "jms_serializer.visitors". Available options are xml, json #719
- jms/serializer-bundle 3.1.0 requires jms/serializer ^2.0 conflict with minimum-stability #717