Added default context configurations
This release includes mainly a feature that allows to configure the default context options. The feature has been implemented mainly by @edefimov , Thanks!
serialize_null: false
version: ~
attributes: {}
groups: ['Default']
serialize_null: false
version: ~
attributes: {}
groups: ['Default']
Implemented enhancements:
Merged pull requests:
- Use svg build badge #560 (hanneskaeufler)
Closed issues:
- Document how to prevent JMS serializer from overriding Symfony serializer #513
- AccessorOrder : properties vs virtualProperty #512
- Specify @Serializer/Group for @Discriminator field #506
- Ignore entity and/or subentity based on attribute value #499
- How to change Strategy #493
- AccessorOrder is ignored #488
- When serializing subentities discriminator value is always added to serialized output #479
- Serialized name "id" #461
- Jms serializer @jms\Inline() annotation overrides an actual id #460
- @jms\Serializer\Annotation\Type("DateTime<'c'>") doesn't works properly #459
- Custom Class Type Mapping #446
- Return an array instead of object #439
- Serializer does not seem to visit virtual properties recursively #429
- filtering doctrine entites with
#419 - [Feature] Apply exclusión policity by groups #401
- DateTime ISO8601 in PHP doesnt support milliseconds #395
- custom handler documentation #379
- Question: How to serialize data for KNP paginator which is using Solarium Subscriber. #374
- Error View::create #365
- Propel Collection Handler is not registered #349
- Cannot redeclare class doctrine\orm\mapping\annotation #339
- get a error of JMSSerializerBundle in Symfony2.3.4 and ODM #320
- DoctrineObjectConstructor doesn't work with id as attribute #305
- Performance issue - Help needed for optimization #281
- GraphNavigator - Marked as Final #238
- Error when using yml for FormErrors #221
- Can't configurate class which is in global namespace with YAML or XML #217
- VirtualProperties called after postSerialize triggers #216
- What's the purpose of 'id' under 'property_naming' namespace in configuration. #522
- "fos_rest.serializer" must implement FOS\RestBundle\Serializer\Serializer (instance of "JMS\Serializer\Serializer" given). #509
- is not used? Property way to override the naming strategy #449
- add option to alias field names #433