This repository serves as a digital junk draw containing stuff I do not immediately have a place to put.
These are to assist me in quickly setting up a fresh system. As time (and my patience) allows
and/or requires, I maintain scripts for MacOS (Darwin), Ubuntu Linux, and Arch Linux. My
intention is to be able to run
on any new system and have it be configured how I like.
This may not be the case however, and configuration for a newly added system (such as Arch) or
a feature which hasn't been fully fleshed out (such as the install from source scripts) should be
considered and used directly.
Admittedly this probably isn't necessary, but might as well.
Seeing as this repository will mostly stuff I've found online or may want to put there (in a more sensible way of course), everything in this repository is up for grabs, and comes with no guarantees whatsoever. Feel free to take anything wholesale and integrate it in any way into anything of yours or someone else's.