A simple Nagios Plugin which checks the health of a Synology NAS It checks the following items:
- System status (Power, Fans)
- Disks status
- RAID (Volumes) status
- DSM update status
- Temperatures
- UPS informations
The SNMP agent on the NAS has to be activated.
./check_snmp_synology [OPTION] -u [user] -p [pass] -h [hostname]
-u [snmp username] Username for SNMPv3
-p [snmp password] Password for SNMPv3
-2 [community name] Use SNMPv2 (no need user/password) & define community name (default public)
-w [warning temp] Warning temperature (for disks & synology) (default 50)
-c [critical temp] Critical temperature (for disks & synology) (default 60)
-U Show informations about the connected UPS (default no)
-f PerfData - print performance data for temperature and storage usage percentage (default no)
-v Verbose - print all informations about your Synology (default no)
-d Check DSM Version - check if an update for DiskStation Manager is available (default no)
My commands.cfg looks like this:
define command {
command_name check_snmp_synology
command_line $USER2$/check_snmp_synology -2 $ARG1$ -v -h $HOSTADDRESS$ -f -W $ARG2$ -C $ARG3$ -w $ARG4$ -c $ARG5$
And my services.cfg looks like this:
define service {
service_description check_snmp_synology_demo
host_name demo_host
use check_mk_active
check_command check_snmp_synology!public!45!48!85!90
This plugin has been originally published by [Nicolas Ordonez] (mailto:[email protected]) on [https://exchange.nagios.org] (https://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/Network-and-Systems-Management/Others/Synology-status/details)