MRtrix3 was utilised to process the DWI dataset from a single subject. Tensor-based WM fibre representation utilised the main eigenvector to indicate the fibre’s direction, and its orientation with respect to the main magnetic field (z direction). For fixel-based analysis, spherical deconvolution identified multiple fibre bundles within each imaging voxel. Fixels were converted into primary, secondary and tertiary vectors, with x, y and z components. From the z component of the primary fixel, the WM fibre’s orientation with respect to the main magnetic field was obtained. A Python pipeline was created to perform all MRtrix3 commands in sequence. Some of the open-sourced code available in Nipype was utilised, so that value permutations of various function parameters could be ran.
setup a miniconda python environment e.g.
logout or source .bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
install nipype
conda install --channel conda-forge nipype
- use nipype to run MRtrix pipeline by running (adjust subject names inside the script)