This demo project aims to swap token between corda network and ethereum network.
The ethedapp folder implements a token contract based erc-20 and a htlc contract.
The cordapp folder implements a fungible token housetoken based corda token sdk.
There are 3 participants
Party C is an issuer of housetoken
Part A wants to buy 100 amount of housetoken that is owned by Party B.
- Party A transfer ehter(or erc token) to Party B()
- Party B transfer 100 amount of housetoken to Party A
Ethereum environment
- Node.js v12
- Python v2
- Npm v6
use npm install dependencies in ./ethdapp folder
npm install
Noted: if truffel install failed, usenpm install truffle -g
to install globally
Cordapp environment
- Java 1.8
- Xterm(linux)
- Gradle 5.64 For more specific information, please refer to: Setup Guide.
User Account information
- Compile and Start Corda nodes in local developed enviroment
#compile(linus or macos)
./gradlew clean depolyNodes
#run the nodes
cd ./build/nodes & java -jar runnodes.jar
- Escrosw issue creat token and issue 50 house token to Alice(work in Escrow node)
#create token
flow start CreateHouseTokenFlow symbol: house, valuation: 100000
#issue token
flow start IssueHouseTokenFlow symbol: house, quantity: 50, holder: Alice
Alice Init HTLC and fund 30 token to Escrow node in Alice's terminal(corda side)
flow start HTLCFundFlow HTLCId: 1001, escrow: Escrow, receiver: Bob, symbol: house, amount: 30, time: 3000, hash: 0xfd69353b27210d2567bc0ade61674bbc3fc01a558a61c2a0cb2b13d96f9387cd
Bob deploy token and htlc contracts, then fund 0.1 Ether in htlc contract(Ethereum side)
#deploy htlc contract in kovan truffle migrate --reset --network kovan
Alice withdraw Ether from htlc contract (Ethereum side) use ``truffle console --network kovan` open kovan console
#Get Alice and Bob Address
const addresses = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
const Alice = addresses[1]
const Bob = addresses[0]
const htlc = await HTLC.deployed()
#withdarw, secret get from Alice's htlc contract
await htlc.withdraw('abracadabra',{from:Alice})
#check blance
#const token = await Token.deployed()
#const balance = await token.balanceOf(Alice)
#bob get secrect from smartcontract
const mySecret = await{from:Bob})
Withdraw HTLC from Escrow in Bob's terminal
flow start HTLCWithdrawFlow escrow: Escrow, HTLCId: 1001, secret: abracadabra
Other Secrinos
Alice Refund token when time expires
flow start HTLCFundFlow HTLCId: 1002, escrow: Escrow, receiver: Bob, symbol: house, amount: 10, time: 30, hash: 0xfd69353b27210d2567bc0ade61674bbc3fc01a558a61c2a0cb2b13d96f9387cd
flow start HTLCRefundFlow escrow: Escrow, HTLCId: 1002