This small APP handles the operation of a beverage vending machine. This project has been developed for a Frontend technical assignment.
This machine accepts only coins and lets you select one product at a time. When user enters the app, he/she has different coins (2, 1, 0.5 and 0.2) and get what he/she wants from the machine.
User inserts coins, select the beverage and, if purchase can be satisfied because the machine has enough coins and stock, user gets the selected beverage. Otherwise, if there isn't enough stock or an unexpected error occurs, user cannot receive his/her purcharse and he/she will receive a notify.
If user inserts more coins than the value of the selected beverage, the machine will return change when delivering the product. If there isn't enough stock of coins, user will receive maximum amount available and the machine will notify an ERROR.
The machine will refill their coins and beverage as soon as it notices that stock of any of the item is 0. Also, user can click on the refund button and receive the inserted coins, and can act like the technical service and refill coins and beverage by herself/himself as well.
The front-end is created using ReactJS with Hooks, project instaled with "create-react-app". Styled with SCSS. Also, a Reactjs library is used to create the notifications, as:
- Components:
- App
- Coins
- Notifications
- RefillFunction
- VendingMachine