- MongoDB needs to be installed on your local machine. The version does not matter.
An easy way to manage your storage of your personal accounts on the desktop while able to generate OTP for accounts which require a generated code for it.
- tkinter (For building the GUI)
- pyotp (For the generating of OTP)
- pymongo (For the persistence of personal information on the user's harddisk)
- install python first (tkinter will be pre-installed with python)
- run the commands below in the command line if the libraries are not installed yet
pip install pymongo
pip install pyotp
- use your terminal to navigate to the directory folder './offline_acct_mgt' on your computer
- run these commands below in the terminal
python3 mainapp.py
- the app should startup successfully
- (optional) for dev enthusiast, download mongoDB compass to view the database
User click on the 'Run' Button to generate the OTP on the computer