This action will post a notification to a Slack channel, and subsequent calls to this action can update that notification to reflect a new status.
To set up the action and send the first message, you can do the following:
- name: Prepare
uses: saucal/action-slack-notification@v1
channel: "XXXXXXX"
status: 'Preparing :loading:'
commit-repo: "${{ github.repository }}"
commit-branch: ${{ github.ref_name }}
commit-author: ${{ github.triggering_actor }}
commit-message: "..."
After, you can run something like follows, to update the status of the build
- name: Set message
uses: saucal/action-slack-notification@v1
status: "Building :large_yellow_circle:"
And finally, after you're done, you can signal the final status as follows
- name: Signal final status to slack
if: ${{ always() }} # THIS IS KEY!
uses: saucal/action-slack-notification@v1
final-status: "${{ job.status }}"
- uses: saucal/action-slack-notification@v1
# Slack Token to use
token: ""
# Channel to post to
channel: ""
# Message timestamp to update
ts: ""
# Force send a new message (even if we're already in update mode)
# NOTE: Subsequent calls to the action will update the new one.
force: "false"
# Set status of the deployment. Supports emojis.
status: ""
# Similar to the above, but serves as a parsing point for GH job status strings
final-status: ""
# Set commit message on the notification
commit-message: ""
# Set branch on the notification
commit-branch: ""
# Set repo on the notification
commit-repo: ""
# Set author on the notification
commit-author: ""