This project is a social network platform built using Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It allows users to interact with others by creating posts, following other users, and liking posts.
New Post
- Signed-in users can create new text-based posts by filling in a text area and clicking a submit button.
All Posts
- Users can view all posts from all users, with the most recent posts displayed first.
- Each post displays the username of the post, the content of the post, the date and time of the post, and the number of likes the post has received.
Profile Page
- Clicking on a username takes the user to that user's profile page.
- The profile page displays the number of followers the user has, the number of users the user is following, and all posts by the user in reverse chronological order.
- For signed-in users viewing another user's profile, a “Follow” or “Unfollow” button is available to toggle the follow status.
- Accessible only to signed-in users.
- The “Following” link in the navigation bar shows posts from users that the current user follows.
- Posts are displayed 10 per page.
- If there are more than ten posts, a “Next” button appears to navigate to older posts, and a “Previous” button allows navigation to newer posts.
Edit Post
- Users can edit their own posts by clicking an “Edit” button.
- Users can save the edited post, and the changes are updated asynchronously.
- Security measures ensure users cannot edit posts of other users.
“Like” and “Unlike”
- Signed-in users can toggle the “like” status of any post.
- The server is updated asynchronously, and the like count is displayed without reloading the page.
- Python 3.x
- Django
Clone the Repository
git clone
Apply Migrations
python makemigrations
python migrate
Run the Server
python runserver
Access the Application
in your browser.