A scriptable browser in PHP and his CLI !
You can browse to the web, and fill and submit forms.
You can call the browser's methods from your PHP scripts, or you can execute them from STDIN ou from a batch file.
Browser.php is the browser, to make web requests. BrowserShell.php is a shell to control Browser.php
Browser on your PHP script:
require_once 'lib/Browser.php'
Browser from STDIN
php BrowserShell.php --stdin
Browser with batch file
php BrowserShell.php --file=<batch file> [--config=<config file>] [--pause=<delay beetween network requests>] [--debug=1|0]
browse : Browse to an URL
submit : Submit a form. Can be followed by DOM-Element's name or #ID (start with #)
write : Write the response's body to file
print : Show the response's body
history : Browse in browser's history
use-form : Select a form to use (by name or ID. If empty, use the first form)
reset : Reset the form
set : Set a field value by name = value or #ID = value
unset : Remove a field element of the sent data
check : Check the checkbox (by name or #ID). Equivalent of set NameOr#ID on
uncheck : Uncheck the checkbox (by name or #ID). Equivalent of unset NameOr#ID
set-var : Set a reusable script variable will be call by {%var:var-name%}
include : Include and execute an another batch file
message : Print a message
debug : Print a message if debug=1
browse http://www.google.fr Load webpage http://www.google.fr
include commandes.browser Run commands wich are defined in commandes.browser file
use-form Select the first form (optional. It is automatic)
use-form formName Select the form with name "formName"
use-form #formID Select the form with ID "formID"
submit Submit form
submit submitButton Submit form with button with name "submitButton"
submit #submitBtnId Submit form with button with ID "submitBtnId"
write filePath Write the responses' body to "filePath"
history goto:[label] Go to label "label" (like a click in your browser's history)
history -1 Go back to the previous page - Resend the form
history back Go back to the previous page - Resend the form
history +1 Go to the next page - Resend the form
history forward Go to the next page - Resend the form
history 0 Reload current page - Resend the form
history reload Reload current page - Resend the form
history -5 Go to 5 previous pages - Resend the form
history +2 Go to 2 following pages - Resend the form
history [param] browse Like "history ... " but with a GET request (no re-sending the form)
reset Reset current form
set name = value Set "value" to the field named "name"
set #id = value Set "value" to the field with ID "id"
set name = ["a", "b"] Set an array of values to field named "name"
set name = "["a", "b"]" Set a string value '["a", "b"]' to the field named "name"
check mycheckbox Check the checkbox named "mycheckbox"
check #checkboxUD Check the checkbox with id "checkboxID"
uncheck mycheckbox Uncheck the checkbox named "mycheckbox"
uncheck #checkboxUD Uncheck the checkbox with id "checkboxID"
unset name The field named "name" will not sent on submit
unset #id The field with ID "id" will not sent on submit
set-var variable = val Set the value "val" to variable named "variable". {%var:variable%} will return "val"
print my message Show "my message" with line feed
print Show only an empty line
debug debug message Show "debug message" if debug = 1
debug Show an empty line if debug = 1
You can use Label / Commands' group with :
You can use go to label (browser's history) with :
history goto:[label]
You can replay the commands' group with :
play label
Example :
browse http://www.google.fr
write my-file-1.htm
browse http://www.php.net
write my-file-2.htm
play label1
play label2
Is equivalent to :
browse http://www.google.fr
write my-file-1.htm
browse http://www.php.net
write my-file-2.htm
browse http://www.google.fr
write my-file-1.htm
browse http://www.php.net
write my-file-2.htm
browse http://www.google.fr
write my-file-1.htm
{%date:format%} Warning: format use french character ! AAAA = Year on 4 char, JJ = day on 2 char, etc.
{%date:php:format%} To use directly the PHP format like date() function
{%cfg:config-field-name%} Return the value of the field "config-field-name" from the section [data] of the config file
{%var:var-name%} Return the value of the variable "var-name" defined by the command "set-var var-name = value"
Note : Variables can be nested :
There are 3 sections :
[browser] for the browser configuration : user-agent = User-Agent cookie-file = Cookie file to user exit-if-error = 1 to exit in case of server error (not 2xx or 1xx or 3xx code)
[shell] for the shell configuration pause-duration = (duration in seconds after each network call) check-formelement-exists = 1 to set field value only if element exists in DOM check-formelement-type = 1 to check/uncheck checkbox only if the element is a checkbox debug = 1 to show execution messages
[data] for your custom data
custom-field = custom-value
theses fields will be use in batch file and config file with {%cfg:field-name%} You can use variables, functions and config fields in the [data] section
For example :
file-name = /home/path/PREFIX_MYFILE_DATA-{%date:php:Y-m-d_His%}-{%system:os%}.EXT
If the date is 2017-11-01 15:26, and the OS is linux, {%cfg:file-name%} returns "/home/path/PREFIX_MYFILE_DATA-2017-11-01_15:26-linux.EXT"
The variables can be nested :
For example :
date-format = php:Y-m-d_His
file-name = /home/path/PREFIX_MYFILE_DATA-{%date:{%cfg:date-format%}%}-{%system:os%}.EXT
; --------------------------------------------------------
; Example of INI configuration file
; --------------------------------------------------------
user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.110 Safari/537.36"
my-search-1 = scriptable browser
my-search-2 = download php for windows
; --------------------------------------------------------
; Example of batch file
; --------------------------------------------------------
; Set custom variables
set-var search-num = 1
browse http://www.google.fr
; search text on Google and submit with "I'm feeling lucky" button
set-var search-text = {%cfg:my-search-{%var:search-num%}%}
set q = {%var:search-text%}
submit btnI
; write website data to file
write ./google_search{%var:search-num%}.html
set-var search-num = 2
history goto:[search1]
play search1
play download
WARNING ! If "play" command is in his own command groups, there is an infinite loop !
play myloop
Is an infinite loop !
You must use :
play myloop
Copyright (C) 2017 Francois RAOULT
Licensed under the LGPL, Version 3.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Please fork this repository and contribute back using [pull requests].
Any contributions, large or small, major features, bug fixes, unit tests are welcomed and appreciated.
Francois Raoult | http://francois.raoult.name