dhruv@github:~$ whoami
dhruv - Developer | Tech Enthusiast
My expertise spans a wide range of technologies and tools, enabling me to build robust, scalable, and innovative software solutions:
- Programming Languages: Python, C++
- Web Development:
- Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript
- Backend: Node.js, Express
- Database Management: MongoDB, Firebase
Portfolio - My Portfolio project which howcases my skills, experience, and projects in a sleek, modern design. GitHub | Live
Fire Notes - Real-time note-taking application with Firebase. GitHub | Live
Bank Management System - This is a simple Bank Management System / ATM (Automated Teller Machine) system implemented in Python. GitHub
IPL Data Analysis - The "IPL DATA Analysis 2023" project involves a detailed analysis of the dataset of the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023. GitHub
Club Management System - This Club Management System is a console-based application developed in C++. GitHub
dhruv@github:~$ echo "Keep pushing the boundaries of technology!"