This is a simple to-do built with Phoenix and setup to be used with Nanobox.
To get this app up and running locally, download and install Nanobox, then run the following:
# clone the project
git clone
# cd into the project
cd phoenix-todo
# add a convenient way to access the app from a browser
nanobox dns add local
# start nanobox and build the dev environment
nanobox run
# seed the database
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
# start the app
mix phoenix.server
The app will then be available at
This app is preconfigured to run in production with Nanobox, but you will need to add a SECRET_KEY_BASE
environment variable in order to successfully add to-do items. This can be done in the Nanobox dashboard, or with the nanobox evar
nanobox evar add SECRET_KEY_BASE='someuniquekey'
More information is available in the Environment Variable documentation.