This is large collection of Scala code being collected for testing static analysis tools such as Alacs.
Line counts are generated using cloc.
This collection is built using sbt. sbt test-compile
NOTE: Some systems (e.g., Linux with home directory encryption) may not be able to build scala-project due to a known limitation of scalac
concerning file name lengths.
- akka (15k)
- scalaz (12k)
- squeryl (9k)
- scala-query (7k)
- casbah (4k)
- ensime (4k)
- scala-swing (4k)
- smile (3k)
- flashup (1k)
- scala (177k)
- lift (58k)
- scalatest (50k)
- specs (20k)
- apparat (18k)
- scalate (16k)
- akka-modules (15k)
- gapt (14k)
- factorie (13k)
- scalanlp (13k)
- scala-ide (12k)
- uniscala (10k)
- kiama (10k)
- scala-refactoring (10k)
- scalariform (8k)
- kafka (7k)
- circumflex (6k)
- scalaxb (6k)
- gdata-scala-client (5k)
- (5k)
- norbert (5k)
- scalala (4k)
- scala-migrations (3k)
- sweetscala (3k)
- scala-intellij (67k)
- kojo (15k)
- gizzard (5k)
- flockdb (4k)
- sbt (15k)
- swap-scala (5k)
- configgy (4k)