This code helps you classify different alphabets of hindi language (Devanagiri) using Convnets
This code successfully recognizes hindi characters when user make characters in front of camera.
1. you can install Conda for python which resolves all the dependencies for machine learning.
2. install tensorflow , in conda -> $ conda install tensorflow
3. install keras , in conda -> $ conda install keras
4. install opencv , in conda -> $ conda install opencv
5. require data set data.csv for training and test
6. require devanagari_model.h5 model for classify the characters.
I have used convolutional neural networks. I am using Tensorflow as the framework and Keras API for providing a high level of abstraction.
CONV2D --> MAXPOOL --> CONV2D --> MAXPOOL -->FC -->Softmax--> Classification
1.Dataset- DHCD (Devnagari Character Dataset)
2.Images of size 32 X 32
3.Convolutional Network Support added.
test on 2001
To train the dataset run file
To run code type: python3
Execution for writing through webcam
type: python3