Enriches Serilog events with information from the environment variables or user provided custom property.
Install Serilog.Enrichers.Context from NuGet
Install-Package Serilog.Enrichers.Context
Configure logger by calling .Enrich.WithEnvironment(...)
var logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
logger.Information("This informational message will enrich with OS name");
When a compatible sink is used, in this case Serilog.Sinks.AzureDocumentDB, following log message will be emitted to DocumentDb:
"Timestamp": "2016-09-22T07:16:34.0314959-04:00",
"Level": "Information",
"MessageTemplate": "This informational message will enrich with OS name",
"Properties": {
"OS": "Windows_NT"
"id": "580bce0b-76d4-f510-60f4-70da00636bc3"
Configure logger by calling .Enrich.WithProperty(KeyValuePair<string, object>)
is very useful when multiple applications are logging to centralized store and you want to distinguish logs by some unique property for better discoverability.
var logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.Enrich.WithProperty(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("applicationId", "demo"));
logger.Information("This informational message will enrich with custom property");
Assuming AzureDocumentDB sink is configured, one should see following log message in Azure DocumentDb collection.
"Timestamp": "2016-09-22T07:33:52.9807951-04:00",
"Level": "Information",
"MessageTemplate": "This informational message will enrich with custom property",
"Properties": {
"applicationId": "demo"
"id": "9b672004-4e6b-31a2-3e92-5ea49361c312"
Enriching logging with user defined function is now supported. Function accepts LogEvent or object type parameter to act on. It's upto developer's imagination what to do with functions.
var logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.Enrich.WithFunction("f0", x => {
return x.ToString().ToUpper();
}, Environment.MachineName)
.Enrich.WithFunction("f1", () => DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString())
e => $"{e.Level.ToString().ToUpper()} - {e.Timestamp.Ticks}"
logger.Information("This informational message will enrich with custom property");
Thanks to the JetBrains for donating incredible suite of tools making this project possible.