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Ingenious is a photo-sharing demo app created by NGINX to show the Microservices approach to application development. The app is designed to allow the user to login to a personalized account, and then store, view and delete their own pictures. It also includes a blog in which users can view the latest news and updates within the application.

The Ingenious application is built with microservices and utilizes their inherent benefits to generate a robust, stable, independent, polyglot environment.

Microservice Reference Architecture diagram of services

The Ingenious application employs seven different services in order to create its functionality.

Pages is the foundational service built in PHP upon which the other services provide functionality. Pages makes calls directly to User Manager, Album Manager, Content Service, and Uploader.

User Manager is built completely using Python and backed by DynamoDB. It's use is to store and modify user information, allowing the app a login system. Login is done with Google and Facebook through OAuth, but also includes a system for local login when testing the system.

Album Manager is built using Ruby and backed by MySQL, and allows the user to upload albums of multiple images at once. Album Manager makes calls to the Uploader service and therefore the Resizer to upload and modify images specified by the user.

The Uploader service is built using Javascript and is used to upload images to an S3 bucket. Uploader then makes calls to the Resizer service with the previously generated id of the image within S3, and Resizer then makes copies of the image with size "Large", "Medium", and "Thumbnail".

Content Service is built in Go and backed by RethinkDB. The Content Service provides, retrieves, and displays content for the NGINX Ingenious application

Auth Proxy is a Python app that utilizes Redis' capabilities as a caching server. Making direct connections to both Pages and User Manager, Auth Proxy is used to validate the user's identity. It also serves as the gateway into the application, acting as the only public-facing service within the application.

Quick Start

Below are instructions to setup the Istio service mesh in a Kubernetes cluster using NGINX as a sidecar.


Make sure you have a Kubernetes cluster with alpha feature enabled. Please see Prerequisites for setting up a cluster and for installation of Istio and nginmesh latest version 0.6.0 refer to nginmesh repo.

Deploy an Ingenious Application

In this section we deploy the Ingenious application. Please see Ingenious for more details.

  1. Clone all the repositories of the NGINX Ingenious application using the command below:
git clone --recurse-submodules
  1. Once the repositories are cloned, be sure that you have the latest versions of the submodules by running:
git pull
  1. Deploy the application:
kubectl apply -f mra-ingenious/nginmesh-ingenious.yaml

There are detailed instructions for building the service below, and in order to get started quickly, you can follow these simple Instructions to quickly build the image.

  1. Get the public IP of the Istio Ingress controller and Fake-s3 service. If the cluster is running in an environment that supports external load balancers, run:
kubectl get svc -n istio-system | grep -E 'EXTERNAL-IP|istio-ingress'
kubectl get svc -n default | grep -E 'EXTERNAL-IP|fake-s3'
  1. Modify your hosts file in Client machine to include the public IP of fake-s3 service. It should look like:   fake-s3 http://fake-s3
  2. Confirm that all application services are deployed: album-manager, auth-proxy, content-service, fake-s3, pages, photoresizer, photouploader, user-manager:

kubectl get services
NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE
album-manager     ClusterIP   <none>           80/TCP         13h
auth-proxy        LoadBalancer   <none>           80:32700/TCP   13h
content-service   ClusterIP   <none>           80/TCP         13h
fake-s3           LoadBalancer   80:31244/TCP   13h
kubernetes        ClusterIP     <none>           443/TCP        18d
pages             ClusterIP   <none>           80/TCP         13h
photoresizer      ClusterIP    <none>           80/TCP         13h
photouploader     ClusterIP   <none>           80/TCP         13h
user-manager      ClusterIP   <none>           80/TCP         13h
  1. Confirm that all application pods are running -- album-manager-* , auth-proxy-* , content-service-* , fake-s3-* , pages-* , photoresizer-* , user-manager-* and photouploader-* :
kubectl get pods
NAME                               READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
album-manager-5865f88699-mbcj4     2/2       Running   0          13h
auth-proxy-69d6995446-5h2pk        2/2       Running   0          13h
content-service-7968b4b584-nfpr6   2/2       Running   0          13h
fake-s3-5bd8ff94d6-rnpxl           2/2       Running   0          13h
pages-747f4dc4b7-q2w57             2/2       Running   0          13h
photoresizer-68cd8c5df4-vbpk5      2/2       Running   0          3h
photouploader-6bdbff759d-fsszg     2/2       Running   0          3h
user-manager-694cc64879-zr6ck      2/2       Running   0          3h
  1. Open the Ingenious application in a browser using the following link:

Uninstalling the Application

  1. To uninstall application, run:
kubectl delete -f nginmesh-ingenious.yaml


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