All kinds of infosec related stuff to read goes here.
We have
- Tutorials
- Cool blogs
- Nice articles
- ... and more...
If you have any cool content, please link to it via a PR.
CMU Binary Bomb -- r2 and angr
Sour Pickles -- Python pickle problems
Fuzzy Security Tutorials -- bunch of good reads
Roposaurusrex -- a primer on return oriented programming
XSSed - some practically done xss attacks
BinTut - BinTut is a set of tutorials, as well as exercises.
lcamtuf's blog - lcamtuf is the creator of AFL (american fuzzy lop) and writes a lot of great stuff
OWASP Top 10 - Presentatioin on Top 10 Web Application Vulnerabilities and how to avoid them.
hacksplaining - Good set of challenges
RSA Attacks - Explanation of various RSA attacks
10 things InfoSec professionals need to know about networking
- The Conscience of a Hacker by the Mentor
- How To Become A Hacker by Eric Steven Raymond
- A Magnetized Needle and a Steady Hand -- elf structures with a nice storyline.
- x86 Assembly Guide
- GDB Basics
- Format String Exploitation
- Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities
- Pentester's Lab -- specifically try the Web For Pentester 1 and 2
- How 2 Heap -- a repository for learning various heap exploitation techniques
- AFL fuzzing primer -- BSidesSF. Fuzz smarter, not harder. Craig Young.
- Advanced SQL Injection in SQL Server Applications -- great sqli primer
- GCC-Inline-Assembly-HOWTO
- A Crash Course in x86 Assembly for Reverse Engineers
- PHP Security Cheat Sheet
- Local File Inclusion
- Libheap Heap Flowchart
- Calling Conventions - Detailed description of calling conventions across different compilers and operating systems. Maintained by Agner Fog.
- Penetration testing tools cheat sheet
- Enumeration cheat sheet
- Conferences
- Tutorials
- Videos