- LangChain
- hnswlib
- express
- socket.io
- multer
- undici
Requires a valid API user token.
Request Headers
: Bearer token
Request Body
Form Data:
: The file to be uploaded
Success Response
- Code: 200 OK
- Content Type: application/json
- Body:
{ "message": "Uploaded successfully", "filename": "example_document.pdf", "success": true }
Error Response
Code: 401 Unauthorized
- Content Type: application/json
- Body:
{ "error": "Unauthorized", "message": "Invalid or missing token" }
Code: 500 Internal Server Error
- Content Type: application/json
- Body:
{ "error": "Server Error", "message": "Failed to process the upload" }
Sample cURL Request
curl -X POST "http://your-api-domain.com/upload" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN" \ -F "document=@/path/to/your/document.pdf"
curl -X POST "http://localhost:3000/generatePpt" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" \
-d '{"content":[{"type":"title", "title":"some title"}, {"type":"thanks", "title":"Thank you title"}, {"type":"content", "title":"Some title", "content":"some description"}, {"title":"image", "title":"Some title", "content":"some description", "image":"image_url"}]}' \
Response Headers:
- Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
- Content-Disposition: attachment filename=output.pptx
Response Body:
- (No body is expected for file download endpoints)
Response Code:
- 200: Successful generation of the PowerPoint presentation. The presentation file will be attached to the response.
This document outlines the usage of the WebSocket API endpoints.
Establishes a connection with the server.
- Event:
- Description: Initializes a socket connection and sets up event listeners.
- Usage: Automatically triggered upon establishing a connection.
Sends a message from the server to the client.
- Event:
- Description: Sends a message from the server to the client.
- Usage: Used to communicate messages from the server to the client.
Controls the visibility of the file upload UI on the client side.
- Event:
- Description: Controls the visibility of the file upload UI on the client side.
- Usage: Used to show or hide the file upload UI.
Handles user questions and generates bot replies.
- Event:
- Description: Handles user questions and generates bot replies based on the uploaded document.
- Usage: Used to ask questions and receive responses from the bot.
Indicates that a file has been successfully uploaded to the server.
- Event:
- Description: Indicates that a file has been successfully uploaded to the server and initiates document processing.
- Usage: Used to handle the successful upload of a document.
Updates the user's balance after deducting words from their account.
- Event:
- Description: Updates the user's balance after deducting words from their account.
- Usage: Used to inform the client about the updated balance.
This document outlines the usage of the YouTube-related WebSocket API endpoints.
Establishes a connection with the YouTube namespace.
- Namespace:
- Event:
- Description: Initializes a socket connection and sets up event listeners for YouTube-related interactions.
- Usage: Automatically triggered upon establishing a connection to the
Sends a message from the server to the client.
- Event:
- Description: Sends a message from the server to the client.
- Usage: Used to communicate messages from the server to the client.
Indicates that the bot is loading or processing.
- Event:
- Description: Indicates that the bot is loading or processing.
- Usage: Used to show loading indicators on the client side.
Handles user questions and interactions related to YouTube videos.
- Event:
- Description: Handles user questions and interactions related to YouTube videos.
- Usage: Used to ask questions and receive responses from the bot.
Updates the user's balance after deducting words from their account.
- Event:
- Description: Updates the user's balance after deducting words from their account.
- Usage: Used to inform the client about the updated balance.
Socket events may emit error messages in case of failures or invalid requests. These errors should be handled gracefully by the client.
import { io } from "socket.io-client";
const socket = io("http://localhost:3000", {
auth: {
token: TOKEN