This project is an application skeleton for a typical spring boot web app that is built with gradle. You can use it to quickly bootstrap your webapp projects and dev environment for these projects. The seed contains a sample spring boot application exposing http resources on port 8080.
The seed app doesn't do much, by default it is listening on path /hello
and returns a String value.
To get you started you can simply clone repository and run ./gradlew bootRun to start server. Gradle and spring will start with downloading dependencies.
Let's start our local Openshift cluster oc cluster up
. Log in as developer in to the Web Console and CLI. Links and instructions are provided by oc cluster up
Create development project for demo:
oc new-project contacts-dev
Create new mongodb-ephemeral from template. It will create mongodb app in contacts-dev
oc new-app -p MONGODB_DATABASE=sampledb -p MONGODB_USER=sadhal -p MONGODB_PASSWORD=sadhal -n contacts-dev
oc rollout latest mongodb
Create new RESTful API backed up by Springboot.
oc new-app jorgemoralespou/s2i-java~
Create new angularjs app backed up by nodejs
oc new-app -p DEBUG="contacts-fe,express* node server.js" -p LOG_LEVEL=verbose
oc expose svc mean-contactlist
oc new-project contacts-test
oc new-project jenkins
We will use template file which describes configuration objects for Jenkins, SonarQube and Postgresql.
oc process -f | oc create -f -
Enter the jenkins project from Web Console. Add to project - jenkins pipeline. Even ephemeral works for this demo. Or from CLI:
oc new-app --template=jenkins-ephemeral -n jenkins
oc expose svc jenkins sonarqube
oc project contacts-test
oc new-app jorgemoralespou/s2i-java~
Log in as system:admin in CLI in order to edit user policies for jenkins:
oc login -u system:admin
oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:jenkins:jenkins -n contacts-dev
oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:jenkins:jenkins -n contacts-test
oc login -u developer -p developer
oc project jenkins
oc new-app --strategy=pipeline --context-dir='pipeline/cd' --name gradlespringboot-pipeline-cd
In Web Console, jenkins project, click on Add to Project -> Import YAML/JSON -> choose file pipelines/cd/BuildConfig -> Create
Latest openshift origin CLI client (>= 1.4), docker (>= 1.12) and virtualization enabled.