Absolutly minimal plugin to search and replace multiple files in current working directory. This only uses vim
built-in features to search and replace
use {
config = function() require'nvim-search-and-replace'.setup() end,
leader + g + r = Search and replace (Respects ignored files)
leader + g + R = Search and replace everything (Don't give a shit about the ignored files)
leader + g + u = Search, replace and save (Respects ignored files)
leader + g + U = Search, replace and save everything (Don't give a shit about the ignored files)
:SReplace - Search and replace
:SReplaceAll - Search and replace all including ignored files
:SReplaceAndSave - Search, replace and save
:SReplaceAllAndSave - Search, replace and save including ignored files
:h su
for more information
/<substitute-pattern>/<substitute-flags> <files>
-- search the word "test" in ".js" files and replace them glabally in every file
/test/g **/*.js
-- search the word "test" in all files and replace them glabally in every file
-- search the word "test" in all files and replace one time for single line
-- seach any word starts with "te" and ends with "st" and replace one time for single line
-- seach "print(something)" and add something to match group
-- replace the matched queries with "test"
-- replace the matched queries with "console.log" and replace \1 with the first
match value
-- file patters to ignore
ignore = {'**/node_modules/**', '**/.git/**', '**/.gitignore', '**/.gitmodules','build/**'},
-- save the changes after replace
update_changes = false,
-- keymap for search and replace
replace_keymap = '<leader>gr',
-- keymap for search and replace ( this does not care about ignored files )
replace_all_keymap = '<leader>gR',
-- keymap for search and replace
replace_and_save_keymap = '<leader>gu',
-- keymap for search and replace ( this does not care about ignored files )
replace_all_and_save_keymap = '<leader>gU',
-- require('nvim-global-replace').search_and_replace({
-- ignore = { 'tests/**'} , update_changes = true
-- })
-- require('nvim-global-replace').search_and_replace({
-- update_changes = true
-- })