A custom developed chat channel plugin with customizable options for BungeeCord networks. Features 5 channels, all with separate permissions (Owner, Developer, Admin, Moderator/Staff, and Network wide), separate channel logging by day, and optional console usage. Message prefixes can be customized completely to fit any needs.
Here is the configuration file as it is initially loaded on first run (with added comments for understanding):
#Toggleable Section
allowConsole: false #This option allows the console to interact with players via the channels
sendDisabledMessages: false #This option will send a message saying the channel is disabled
logMessages:true #This option toggles the logging of all messages
noCommand: false #This option allows channels to be entered and messages sent without the command
#This part is for each individual channel, which may be enabled/disabled separate of the other channels
owner: true
developer: true
admin: true
moderator: true
network: true
#Prefix Section
#This section allows you to completely customize how the message looks when it is sent to the players.
owner: '&r[&cOwner Chat&r] &c{author}&r: &c{message}'
developer: '&r[&aDeveloper Chat&r] &a{author}&r: &a{message}'
admin: '&r[&5Admin Chat&r] &5{author}&r: &5{message}'
moderator: '&r[&6Moderator Chat&r] &6{author}&r: &6{message}'
network: '&r[&7Network&r] &7{author}&r: &7{message}'
The most common aliases are used for each command, from full aliases (e.g. "developerchat"), to short alisases (e.g. "dc"). The settings command, which can toggle options on the fly while the network is running, only has two aliases, "chatchannelsettings", and "ccsettings".