Installs and compiles my dotfiles. Tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and 16.04.
The domain for automatically downloading this project is You can grab the repo and execute the basic installation with the following command.
curl | bash
The will download this git repo to ~/dotfiles/ and will run index.html (which is a bash script).
The reason for index.html is to serve as a hosted file with GitHub pages that the DNS server can point to. This allows the simple curl request.
There are options for installing cmake, vim8.0 and YouCompleteMe. To access the help screen simply type:
./index.html --help
This should output:
vim - compile vim and install all bundles
updatevim - Updates vim bundles and vimrc
cmake - install new version of cmake
ycm - install youcompleteme
tools - install basic tools
These settings are mine, and how I like Bash/Vim/etc set up. There is nearly a 100% chance you would like your settings to be different.
- Two line bash prompt with username, server, current directory, and Git prompt
- Bash Prompt shows status of Git Repo. Red is changed/added, Yellow is yet to be commited. Green is the branch name.
- Check out ./bashrc/ for the CLI aliases
- Custom colors for LS
- Z
- Various functions in ./bashrc/
- curl
- build-essential
- git
- bc
- dtrx
- ncdu
- htop
- trash-cli
- Spaces over tabs
- 2 Spaces for tabs
- Space mapleader
- Vundle
- Wombat256Mod ColorScheme
- Line numbers on by default
- NerdTree Open By Default
- NerdTree
- NerdCommenter
- CtrlP
- Matchit
- EasyMotion [w/ s and / mappings]
- YouCompleteMe
- GitGutter
- PolyGlot
- Tabular
- Snipmate
- Syntastic