tags plugin for atk4
Requires: [email protected]:atk4/autocomplete.git
This plugin allows you to add tags to any Model.
Just clone to addons dirrectory of your atk4 project
Add form (I suggest to set id of form manually by passing second parameter to add())
Set Model for Form which has 'tags' Field (->type('text'))
Add Form_Tags and connect to your Form
Form_Tag will add Lister to your page which requires Tag in page template.
You can use Lister_Tag to show tags with no Form_Tags as well. This is example how to use it with Grid
function formatRow(){
// tag cloud
if ($this->current_row['tags']) {
$t = $this->add('x_tags/Lister_Tags','tags_cl_'.$this->current_row['id'],'content');
$temp_tag_arr = explode(',',$this->current_row['tags']);
$tag_arr = array();
$count = 0;
foreach ($temp_tag_arr as $tag) {
$tag_arr[$count++]['value'] = $tag;
} else {
$this->current_row_html['tag_cloud'] = '';
Same for CompleteLister
class Lister_Notes extends CompleteLister {
function formatRow(){
// tag cloud
if ($this->current_row['tags']) {
$t = $this->add('x_tags/Lister_Tags','tags_cl_'.$this->current_row['id']);
$temp_tag_arr = explode(',',$this->current_row['tags']);
$tag_arr = array();
$count = 0;
foreach ($temp_tag_arr as $tag) {
$tag_arr[$count++]['value'] = $tag;
} else {
$this->current_row_html['tag_cloud'] = '';
github README.md formating http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#html