This is an example project. We do not take responsibility for its use.
Places that need to be changed: api > Replace api_key with your YouTube API key. If packages don't work, YouTube API will take effect. admin_panel > lib > utils > strings.dart: Change the url (api address) and pass variables. app > lib > utils > strings.dart: Change host (api address), interstitalAd1, interstitalAd2, bannerAd1, and onesignalAppId.
Connect your Firebase project to the Android project. Sign the Android project with your own key.
Application Features
Free YouTube API
Music and playlists in Turkish / English language and many other languages on the homepage
Quickly download or play music/videos
Music search and auto-suggestions
Create/delete playlists / change music order
Music Player, shuffle or play in order
Downloads section
Ringtones - Download, listen | selected ringtones
Side Menu
OneSignal Notification Sending
Firebase Analytics
API language | Python
Desktop Panel Features
Password login
Adjust ad frequency and visibility
Option to provide downloads from the server or YouTube
Music blocking
Login counter by country, daily login count
Edit music and playlists to be displayed by country, content, and order
Add, delete ringtones