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Common Problems

Nick Ballenger edited this page Sep 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

This page contains a list of common problems / errors that come up when trying to run the Carto stack, with solutions where possible.

Mapnik 'Problem loading plugin library', dlopen fails for gdal/ogr


# Mapnik LOG> 2019-08-16 17:30:39: Problem loading plugin library: /Windshaft-cartodb/node_modules/@carto/mapnik/lib/binding/lib/mapnik/input/gdal.input (dlopen failed - plugin likely has an unsatisfied dependency or incompatible ABI)
Mapnik LOG> 2019-08-16 17:30:39: Problem loading plugin library: /Windshaft-cartodb/node_modules/@carto/mapnik/lib/binding/lib/mapnik/input/ogr.input (dlopen failed - plugin likely has an unsatisfied dependency or incompatible ABI)

SQL API returns 400 for long request URI

In the version of Node (10.15.*) that everybody seems to use for SQLAPI/Windshaft, there is a hard-coded upper limit of 8k on request URI length. Using --max-http-header-size=<N_bytes> as a run-time param to the node process is the documented workaround, but doesn't actually do anything so far as I can tell. What will happen if you exceed the URI length is that the node process returns a 400, bad request and logs nothing, so it's a difficult to diagnose failure. May come up if you use either a) very wide tables or very long column names in a dataset, b) in any SQL use from builder or an outside app where you are making a long request. Note that the SQL itself may be comfortably under the limit while still being a problem, because the URI formatting for the SQLAPI adds a bunch of characters when encoding the request string.

There is some related information here: