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Gnosis Tests

anvacaru edited this page Feb 11, 2019 · 1 revision

This page will explain how to run the Truffle tests of the GnosisSafe.


  • Node version >=7 and npm installed
  • Gnosis safe-contracts repository cloned locally


The first step is to go to the cloned repository and install all the required dependencies which are specified in the package.json file.

$ cd safe-contracts/
$ npm install

The second command will download most of the required dependencies, including Truffle and ganache-cli and install them locally under the ./node_modules folder. All the execution scripts will be placed under ./node_modules/bin.

At the time of writing, the project is using Truffle version 4.x, because Truffle 5.x is using a dependency (web3) which is actually still in beta and is not backward compatible. But since Truffle 4.x does not come with solc 0.5 as default, the next step is to install it manually.

$ cd node_modules/truffle && npm install [email protected] && cd ../..

The contracts need to be compiled before running the tests. This can be done using:

$ node_modules/.bin/truffle compile

Which will compile all Solidity contracts from ./contracts folder into json files and place them under ./build/contracts.

Running the Tests

There are several ways to run the tests. The easiest one would be:

$ npm test

Which will run the script mentioned in the package.json file.

This is equivalent with the following commands:

$ node_modules/.bin/ganache-cli -l 20000000 --noVMErrorsOnRPCResponse true

that starts ganache-cli, a blockchain emulator on which the tests will run, setting a gas limit of 20000000; and in a separate terminal:

$ node_modules/.bin/truffle test

which will run all the tests inside ./test.


When running the tests, it is most likely that an error will be thrown:

Error: More than one instance of bitcore-lib found. Please make sure to require bitcore-lib and check that submodules do not also include their own bitcore-lib dependency.

     at Object.bitcore.versionGuard (/home/anvacaru/Work/safe-contracts/node_modules/bitcore-mnemonic/node_modules/bitcore-lib/index.js:12:11)

A workaround for this error is to edit the index.js file of the bitcore-lib mentioned in the error and add a return; at the beggining of the function. This will prevent the error to be thrown.

bitcore.versionGuard = function(version) { return;
  if (version !== undefined) {
    var message = 'More than one instance of bitcore-lib found. ' +
      'Please make sure to require bitcore-lib and check that submodules do' +
      ' not also include their own bitcore-lib dependency.';
    throw new Error(message);