Blazor interop for GoogleMap library
- Provide your Google API key to BlazorGoogleMaps with one of the following methods. (You can get a key here:
Use the bootstrap loader with a key service (recommended):
OR specify google api libraries and/or version:
services.AddBlazorGoogleMaps(new GoogleMapsComponents.Maps.MapApiLoadOptions("YOUR_KEY_GOES_HERE")
Version = "beta",
Libraries = "places,visualization,drawing,marker",
OR to do something more complex (e.g. looking up keys asynchronously), implement a Scoped key service and add it with something like:
services.AddScoped<IBlazorGoogleMapsKeyService, YourServiceImplementation>();
OR (legacy - not recommended) Add google map script HEAD tag to wwwroot/index.html in Client side or _Host.cshtml in Server Side.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- Add path to project javascript functions file in wwwroot/index.html for Blazor WASM, or in _Host.cshtml or _HostLayout.cshtml for Blazor Server.
<script src="_content/BlazorGoogleMaps/js/objectManager.js"></script>
If you want to use marker clustering add this script as well:
<script src=""></script>
- Using the component is the same for both Blazor WASM and Blazor Server
@page "/map"
@using GoogleMapsComponents
@using GoogleMapsComponents.Maps
<h1>Google Map</h1>
<div style="height:@Height">
<GoogleMap @ref="@_map1" Id="map1" Options="@mapOptions" Height="100%" OnAfterInit="AfterMapRender"></GoogleMap>
@functions {
private GoogleMap _map1;
private MapOptions mapOptions;
protected override void OnInitialized()
mapOptions = new MapOptions()
Zoom = 13,
Center = new LatLngLiteral()
Lat = 13.505892,
Lng = 100.8162
MapTypeId = MapTypeId.Roadmap
private async Task AfterMapRender()
_bounds = await LatLngBounds.CreateAsync(_map1.JsRuntime);
OR Render markers with Blazor (currently only with v=beta
version of google-maps, and specify a MapId
@page "/map"
@using GoogleMapsComponents
@using GoogleMapsComponents.Maps
<h1>Google Map</h1>
<AdvancedGoogleMap @ref="@_map1" Id="map1" Options="@mapOptions">
@foreach (var markerRef in Markers)
OnClick="@(() => markerRef.Active = !markerRef.Active)"
OnMove="pos => markerRef.UpdatePosition(pos)">
<p>I am a blazor component</p>
@code {
private List<MarkerData> Markers =
new MarkerData { Id = 1, Lat = 13.505892, Lng = 100.8162 },
private AdvancedGoogleMap? _map1;
private MapOptions mapOptions =new MapOptions()
Zoom = 13,
Center = new LatLngLiteral()
Lat = 13.505892,
Lng = 100.8162
MapId = "DEMO_MAP_ID", //required for blazor markers
MapTypeId = MapTypeId.Roadmap
public class MarkerData
public int Id { get; set; }
public double Lat { get; set; }
public double Lng { get; set; }
public bool Clickable { get; set; } = true;
public bool Draggable { get; set; }
public bool Active { get; set; }
public void UpdatePosition(LatLngLiteral position)
Lat = position.Lat;
Lng = position.Lng;
Please check server side samples which are most to date
ClientSide demos online
Breaking change from 4.0.0 Migrate to .NET 8 #286.
Breaking change from 3.0.0 Migrate from Newtonsoft.Json to System.Text.Json.
Breaking change from 2.0.0 LatLngLiteral constructor's parameters order changed #173