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Calru is a compiler that parses and interprets a custom language designed to support basic arithmetic operations, variable declarations, and print statements. The language is a work-in-progress with ongoing improvements and features.


  • Lexer: Tokenizes input source code into meaningful symbols.
  • Parser: Constructs an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) from tokens.
  • Semantic Analysis: Performs type checking and error detection.
  • Intermediate Representation (IR): Generates assembly-like instructions from the AST.
  • Interpreter: Executes the instructions to provide output.
  • REPL: An interactive environment to test Calru code.
  • Unit Tests: Comprehensive tests for every phase of the compiler to ensure correctness.


The current grammar for the Calru language is as follows:

Top-level statements
Statement   → LetDecl
            | PrintStmt
            | IfStmt
            | PopStmt
            | PushStmt
            | LoopStmt
            | BreakStmt

Declaration of variables
LetDecl     → 'let' Identifier ':' Type AssignExpr ';'

Expression assignment
AssignExpr  → ':=' Expression

Print statement
PrintStmt   → 'stdout' '(' Expression ')'

If statement
IfStmt      → 'if' Condition 'then' Statement ('else' Statement)? 'end' ';'

Push statement
PushStmt    → Identifier '.' 'push' '(' Expression ')' ';'

Pop statement
PopStmt     → Identifier '.' 'pop' '(' ')' ';'

Loop statement
LoopStmt    → 'loop' Statement 'end' ';'

Break statement
BreakStmt   → 'break' ';'

Condition   → Expression ('<' | '>' | '==' | '!=') Expression

Expressions and terms
Expression  → Term (('+' | '-') Term)*

Term        → Factor (('*' | '/') Factor)*

Factors and operands
Factor      → Number
            | Identifier
            | '(' Expression ')'
            | List
            | ListIndex

List        → '[' (Expression (',' Expression)*)? ']'

ListIndex   → Identifier '[' Expression ']'

MethodCall  → Identifier '.' MethodName '(' (Expression)? ')'

MethodName  → 'fetch' | 'len'

Latest Update

  • Add len method for Lists.

Next Steps

  • add tests

Language Features

  • Types: Only floating-point numbers are supported. Integer types are considered as floats for simplicity.
  • Operations: Basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /).
  • Statements: Variable declarations with type, assignments, and print statements.
  • Control Flow: Basic if statements with conditions.
  • Error Handling: Comprehensive error reporting for syntax and semantic issues.
  • List Operations: Push and pop operations for lists.
  • Looping: Basic loop functionality with a loop statement.


Running the Compiler

To run the Calru compiler:

  1. Compile the Project:
cargo build
  1. Run the Compiler:
cargo run 

You can change the input file in input/main.cru

Running Tests

Tests for each phase of the compiler are provided. To run the tests:

cargo test


let i :int := 0;
    i := i + 1;
    if (i == 10) then


  • The code declares four floating-point variables num1, num2, num3, and num4.
  • The product of these variables is calculated and stored in the product variable.
  • The product is printed to the console.
  • An if statement checks if the product is less than 10.0.
  • If the condition is true, 10 is printed; otherwise, 1 is printed.

Future Plans

  • Add CLI Options: Separate lexer, parser, and other components with command-line options.
  • Expand Language Features: Include trigonometric functions and other advanced math features.
  • Add list indexing: Support indexing into lists to access elements.
  • Add Loops: Implement loop functionality to support iteration.
  • perform more tests: Add more tests to ensure the correctness of the compiler.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you'd like to contribute to the development of Calru.


a programming language






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