This is a JSON Database system for Python.
It builds a database in JSON. This great light weight programming is a better way to quick prototyping, and testing. It can also be used in production with software that require storing some form of context, but does not require a huge scalable database.
How to use it?
Define your database structure in "template.json". Look for example.
The first column is the name of column, the second column will specify the type such as, number, string, array, or a bool
"columns": [
["unique id", "number"],
["some column name", "string"],
["other column name", "string"],
["one more column", "array"],
["a column", "bool"]
from jsondb import manage_element
dbfile = 'data.json'
manage_element.init_json(dbfile, 'trial')
a = manage_element.get_element(dbfile,'103')
a['other column name'] = 'Testing on Oct 21'
a['one more column'] = ['the', 'beatles', 21]
manage_element.update_element(dbfile, a)
print manage_element.get_element(dbfile,'103')
$ python
{u'one more column': [u'the', u'beatles', 21], u'unique id': -1, u'other column name': u'Testing on Oct 21', u'some column name': u'', u'a column': u'False', u'id': u'103'}