This repo contains:
- A Sinatra app that receives webhooks from github
When a certain user is mentioned, it will fire off
A resque job that automates Rails performance testing via perf_check.
A status app to view all jobs and their history.
Call out to your user in a pull request comment (in the body, review, or diff), giving the urls to test, and shortly after you'll get a reply summarizing the performance differences between the branches:
Any arguments you pass in are fed directly into perf_check. For example, this comment would run 3 different performance checks each with custom options:
Hit the /posts action 50 times:
@PerfCheckUser -n50 /posts
Test against /posts performance on a specific branch:
@PerfCheckUser -r this_other_branch /posts
Consider redirects as failures (default):
@PerfCheckUser --302-failure /posts
Three separate comments will be posted in reply. Please see the perf_check readme for information on its behavior and options.
- Redis
- To receive github webhook you'll need to be reachable at an external address/port combination.
Copy config/daemon.yml.example to config/daemon.yml, and fill in the appropriate values.
daemon.yml configuration:
key | |
app.path | Filesystem path to the rails app being perf check'd. The app should be setup to run in development mode, and have gem "perf_check" bundled. |
credentials.user | User used for HTTP basic auth on /status page (optional). |
credentials.password | Password used for HTTP basic auth on /status page (optional). |
limits.change_factor | Factor of change in latency before a warning is added to the pull request comment. |
limits.latency | Absolute response time allowed before a warning is added to the pull request comment. |
limits.queries | Number of queries allowed before a warning is added to the pull request comment. |
defaults | Default options for perf_check , e.g. -n 50 |
github.user | Name of the github user whose mention triggers a perf check. |
github.hook_secret | Secret for github web hooks. |
github.token | Github api token. Should be cleared for repo , gist , notifications , and user scopes. |
redis.password | Redis password (optional). |
redis.port | Redis port (default: 6379). | | Redis host (default: localhost). |
bundle exec rake db:create
Add two web hooks to your github repository:
- Aim
events at
- Aim
events at
You'll also need the github token mentioned in the config above.
brew install redis
There are two components you'll need to daemonize:
- The sinatra app which listens for github web hooks
- The resque worker which will do the actual perf checking and post the results back to github.
Boot up the server with
rackup -p 3000
Boot up resque with
bundle exec rake resque:work QUEUE=perf_check_jobs
Here's an example job from
Boot into irb.
bundle exec racksh
job = {
'arguments' => '/',
'branch' => 'perf_check_test',
'reference' => 'master',
'sha' => 'd737e72513829611113d867f56334f5c4332bec4',
'reference_sha' => 'abc',
'pull_request' => '',
'pull_request_comments' => ''
To submit this job using racksh
, run
Resque.enqueue(PerfCheckDaemon::Job, job)