This repo contains instructions and Kubernetes yaml descriptors for running a single node Accumulo cluster in Kubernetes. The original architecture for this deployment was Apache ZooKeeper, Apache Hadoop HDFS, and Accumulo running in Kubernetes. I could not find a good example for deploying HDFS in k8s, so I attempted to use Apache Ozone using the instructions at here. I ran into some issues and eventually found this JIRA issue. At this point I started looking at alternatives for storage and looked at Ceph and MinIO. Reading the docs for Ceph it seemed like I would need a host with two disks and raw devices. Plus, it seemed a little complicated for a proof of concept.
Warning This proof of concept was about getting Accumulo deployed on k8s. The setup below works, but Accumulo runs into issues with the write ahead logs as detailed here and similarly with HBase on S3 here. The Hadoop S3A filesystem implementation does not support sync as messages like
WARN s3a.S3ABlockOutputStream: Application invoked the Syncable API against stream writing to <wal file>. This is unsupported
appear in the logs.
To run this proof of concept you need Docker, KIND, kubectl, and Helm installed.
kind create cluster
At this point you should be able to run the following to see pods running
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
Do the following to install ZooKeeper via a Helm chart:
helm repo add bitnami
kubectl create namespace zookeeper
helm install --namespace zookeeper bitnami-zookeeper bitnami/zookeeper
Note If you want to connect to ZooKeeper you can do the following:
kubectl port-forward --namespace zookeeper svc/bitnami-zookeeper 2181:2181 &
If you want to check the ZooKeeper logs you can do the following:
kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pod -n zookeeper -l -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -n zookeeper
The instructions for installing MinIO are here. I did the following on my machine:
sudo mkdir /export
sudo sudo chown "`id -un`.`id -gn`" /export
curl -O
modified minio-dev.yaml:
- comment out node selector
- fix spec.volumes.hostPath.path to point to /export
kubectl apply -f minio-dev.yaml
kubectl apply -f minio-svc.yaml
You need to configure MinIO using the web console. Do the following:
kubectl port-forward -n minio-dev pod/minio 9000 9090 &
- Log into console at
using the usernameminioadmin
and passwordminioadmin
- Create a user in the web console
- On the left menu go to Identity -> Users, then click the
Create User
button on the right - Use the username
and the passwordchangeme
, and set the policy toreadwrite
, then click Save
- On the left menu go to Identity -> Users, then click the
- Create a bucket
- On the left menu go to Buckets, then click the
Create Bucket
button on the right - Use the name
, then clickCreate Bucket
- On the left menu go to Buckets, then click the
For this stage you will need 3 git repositories checked out:
- accumulo
- accumulo-docker
- This repo
In the accumulo repo, run:
git checkout main
mvn clean package -DskipTests
Then copy the accumulo binary tarball from the assemble/target directory to the accumulo-docker repo directory. In the accumulo-docker repo, run
git checkout next-release
docker build --build-arg ACCUMULO_FILE=accumulo-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz -t accumulo:2.1.0 .
Build the accumulo-s3-fs image from this directory and load the image into the Kubernetes environment, run:
cd docker
docker build -t accumulo-s3-fs:2.1.0 .
kind load docker-image accumulo-s3-fs:2.1.0
- Create the kubernetes accumulo namespace:
kubectl apply -f accumulo-ns.yaml
- Create the Accumulo secrets object:
kubectl apply -f accumulo-secrets.yaml
- Create the Accumulo configuration objects:
kubectl apply -f accumulo-config.yaml
- Initialize Accumulo:
kubectl apply -f accumulo-init.yaml
- Check that the job succeeded successfully:
kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pod -n accumulo -l job-name=job -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -n accumulo
- Remove the job
kubectl delete -f accumulo-init.yaml
- Check that the job succeeded successfully:
- Deploy the Accumulo server processes:
kubectl apply -f accumulo-manager.yaml kubectl apply -f accumulo-gc.yaml kubectl apply -f accumulo-tserver.yaml kubectl apply -f accumulo-monitor.yaml
- Optionally, deploy the optional Accumulo server processes:
kubectl apply -f accumulo-coordinator.yaml kubectl apply -f accumulo-compactor.yaml kubectl apply -f accumulo-sserver.yaml
Note If you want to view the Accumulo Monitor:
kubectl port-forward deployment/accumulo-monitor -n accumulo 9995:9995 &
and point your browser at
kubectl delete -f accumulo-coordinator.yaml
kubectl delete -f accumulo-compactor.yaml
kubectl delete -f accumulo-sserver.yaml
kubectl delete -f accumulo-manager.yaml
kubectl delete -f accumulo-gc.yaml
kubectl delete -f accumulo-tserver.yaml
kubectl delete -f accumulo-monitor.yaml
kubectl delete -f accumulo-config.yaml
kubectl delete -f accumulo-secrets.yaml
kubectl delete -f accumulo-ns.yaml
kubectl delete -f minio-svc.yaml
kubectl delete -f minio-dev.yaml
helm uninstall --namespace zookeeper bitnami-zookeeper
kubectl delete namespace zookeeper
kind delete cluster
sudo rmdir /export