The fx-behaviour library is a utility for JavaFX 11 that allows for declaratively defining the behaviour of JavaFX GUIs. Why should you want to do this?
- There are lots of standard tasks in user interface development: make elements draggable, make controls hide or close a dialog, make elements respond to mouse and keyboard, ...
- We do not want redundant implementations
- There is a better way than imperative wiring
Behaviour can be attached to a node simply by annotating it in the controller class. This might look like:
* In general, the library lets you implement any behaviour and apply it to a node like this:
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = MyCustomBehaviour.class)
private Label label;
* Nodes may be labels, buttons or anything that can become interactive, i.e.,
* that reacts to mouse events.
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = MyCustomBehaviour.class)
private Button button;
* This text area grabs ans displays all console output:
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = GrabSystemOutBehaviour.class)
private TextArea textArea;
* Also autocompletion may be implemented and added to a node very easily:
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = AutoCompleteBehaviour.class)
private TextField tfAutoComplete1;
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = AutoCompleteBehaviour.class)
private TextField tfAutoComplete2;
* Multiple behaviours may be applied to a node. Thus, you may compose it's behaviour...
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = MyCustomAutocompleteBehaviour.class)
private TextField tfAutoComplete3;
* Use this one to hide dialogs or stages on escape ...
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = HideOnEscapeBehaviour.class)
private Button btHideOnEscape;
* This one lets you drag the whole stage like a handle:
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = DragWindowBehaviour.class)
private Label lbDragWindow;
* Some example on managing visibility ...
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = FadeInOnVisible.class)
private Node nodeToggleVisibility0;
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = FadeInOnVisible.class)
private Node nodeToggleVisibility1;
private CheckBox cbToggleVisibility2;
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = FadeAndManageOnVisible.class)
private Label nodeToggleVisibility2;
* Normally, a context menu cannot be toggled with the context menu key.
* This behaviour adds keyboard support to your context menus:
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = ContextMenuBehaviour.class)
private Button buttonWithContextMenu;
* This label and the following one have a visual effect applied to them.
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = HoverScaleBehaviour.class)
private Label nodeHoverScale;
@FXBehaviour(behaviour = HoverScaleBehaviour.class)
private Label nodeHoverScale1;
This library is an extension to the fx-actions library. The fx-actions library and the fx-behaviour library will be always developed parallel, so you will always find matching versions in the github repositories.